
Seabreeze! My long lost friend! Hello! It's been *so* long! Hope you're doing well my dear, I'm so glad to have found you again!

Uhhhh, hey, I've been away from disqus for some time - that was a huge reply to me which I never saw, chock full of interesting theories…to which we now know a whole host of answers (or not). Hope you enjoyed season 2, to discuss it in any detail I'd have to go for some serious recaps

Thanks, darlin, as ever, you are lovely… For tonight, I am icing and drinking my way thru it, but tomoz is a different story - I'll be after my gp if my neck is still all huge like this
Thank you for your lovely kind wishes, fingers crossed everything will be crumpets and jam
Super lucky to have my darling Ma looking

Heya, turns out I'm worse than Camille - been a bit preoccupied this past weekend by a lump in my throat I was due to get tested, and then found out today it is most likely TB so am reelling from that a bit
I am so grateful for the NHS, I can't imagine living in a country where you have a lump on your neck and you

Aw, thanks, hon xx Yeah I'm ok just having slight technological probs with servers and routers and stuff, means I can only internets on my phone which is tiny and Disqus is basically nonfunctional on it…so I have to find a quiet couple of hours where I can snag the laptop and reply to you properly on there, should be

Hahaha I was totally thinking that, all he needed was a straw boater and a cane…

Haha yeah, I thought it was brilliant. He said when he turned up for the audition, they said "Can you do RP?" (stands for received pronunciation) & he said yes (that's how he talks naturally) and they asked Sean if he could do RP and he said no, so they said "Right! Northern it is, then!"

He also said something much more interesting - Kit claimed the only reason EVERYONE in the North talks the way they do (well, all the Stark Clan, anyway…) is because Sean Bean can't do any other kind of accent, so they all had to match Sean's accent…Ironic, since he's been dead for so long, and they're all stuck

Pffff - Kit was on Graham Norton a few weeks ago (UK chat show) and he still had the hair, he even made some crack about having to keep it like that for "a role"

I was actually shouting at the tv for that bit…I dont understand why Jamie wouldn't have insisted on turning the ship around, marching out the prince, sailing close enough to the dock to be seen, and then cutting his throat on the deck! He's sailing back to Kings Landing having been promised a seat on the Small

Ha! With her general demeanour she certainly did remind me of an Indiana Jones-style Nazi

Michael! Old Bean! Old Tootler! What ho, what ho, what ho! Crumpet? Snifter of sherry? Just pull the sash there and a jollyish sort of cove will appear bearing all manner of scrumptious victuals for our repast…

Hey Michael, this is odd, I'm composing this offline on notepad software and pasting it in, because I have begun to learn the ways of Disqus, and they are Not Pleasant (vis losing messages). Can we, in fact, inbox each other, without it being attached to a Penny Dreadful review? I've explored a bit, and couldn't find

No worries :-)

Oooooooooo - mysterious :-D

Hahahahaha, awesome, you proper made me laugh :-D
No, happy to report even then I knew it was 'notional', other pupils may have suggested it but I was like "Nope, theoretical, bitches…"
*presumably somewhere there's a crying supply science teacher in this Classroom of Memory, because I know I shouted down at least 2 of

Hey! That was a lovely message and obviously requires a well thought-out response, I'm composing it as we speak :-)

Jesus wept, why isn't the AV club covering this any more? I just watched the season 2 finale and it was…epic! Please please plaes let there be a season 3! Surely if fans don't get involved on message boards like these, the creators won't know people love this show…?

Wait, what? Wow. @Bobo Chimpan said something equally mind blowing to me, and now my brain hurts…trillions of observations from molecules and photons… Just…woah, man

Ha! Wow! This is what I mean about both blowing my mind and changing everything, I had literally only EVER approached this within the stated parameters, but of course, the cat IS aware of itself, so that ought to make a difference to the experiment… Crazy. I feel I ought to explain a tiny bit of history…when I was