
Uh, yeah, I know, I thought your point was funny, and thought I was reinforcing it by joining in with the joke… guess not

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I'VE JUST SEEN THE PREVIEW! Ok, all previous bets and predictions are off…
Equally…I dunno, seems like we could do a few episodes of Hannibal & Bedelia's European Vacation without getting bored…

Wow, that is an awesome and extremely cogent reply. Before responding I feel honour-bound to declare I have been drinking and it's fairly late here in the UK. Am also still a little overwhelmed by Hannibal. However, whilst being almost entirely in agreement with you, I have many things to say in response. But, because

I would absolutely do that if I could

I still say Bedeels wins the Hat-Off, but only just…

I miss the crazy drums (think totem-ploe scene, they were in that), I loved them, they were SO freaky

Hmm…interesting. I'm not sure. Playing 'Fantasy Hannibal', I'm not at all sure I would have rather done the conventional 'catch up with the heroes'…given that we know the first half of the series is Hannibal on the run, I could believe we won't even find out the actual status quo with Will et al until the second half

Hahahaha wow, that's awesome (not that he was killed in 2 shows in one night, that's Sean Bean levels of cursed, but that he replied is brilliant). Hmmmm, maybe I'll rejoin Agent Carter for a few more eps, then. Thanks :-D

Well given that neither white wine nor truffles has a nervous system, I had just assumed it was part of her new diet… Yes, she did look sick when Hannibal was explaining, but part of me still thinks she's complicit in their shenanigans somehow, like she's testing the worse part of herself, and she's aware that if

Happy to help

Yeah, he's got a dancer's grace (and body!), no doubt. But still, gotta say, I prefer him muddy (and wet) (and naked)

Well, from that image, I'd have to concurr. That's some pretty potent shit right there. Maybe I should fall back in where I left off? I mean, Enver Gjokaj and all…It's not like I didn't like Agent Carter, cos I did, I just didn't…love Agent Carter

Powerful stuff.

Uhh, dude, she knows he's fattening her up to eat her, and for some sick reason she's happy to comply…

Ha! Yeah! The ticket or the passport…

I believe you are right, Sir

Literally, who could ask for more?

Haha, yes that, but also…that hat had a profound effect on me, the colour, the shape…I can't really explain it but it made me want to either get an outsize version and wear nothing else, forever, but that hat; or else…become that hat? And just live on Gilliam Anderson's head? Forever? Like I said, it isn't rational

Granted, man's big on whapping it out. But muddy? Naked? Fighting? Beating a guy to death with the wet end of his own arm? Silent but for the occasional grunt? And doing all of it with that face? Well say no more because *loses power of speech

Look, I feel everyone is missing something really vital here… I have been through most of the comments and there is so much love for the naked Mads, admiration that Mads himself has requested more nudity in the show, and general sadness that the camera didn't pan down a couple of feet when he was all wet and dripping