
I'm also looking forward to Sense8, I watched the Stitchers pilot the other day, it's not great but it's entertaining enough fluff. Hopefully Sense8 will be much better (although I have to say Rising Jupiter was a steaming pile of horseshit, plot-wise, so let's hope the Wachowski's are back on form…Also, FYI one of

Oh my god I just saw the pilot for Mr Robot and it blew me away, I was expecting it to be awful but thought it was actually brilliant, gutted there is such a long wait til the next ep. I hope it gets reviewed on here (I'm also a fellow Tyrant fan, vainly hoping this will be the season Barry snaps and goes all badass

It's a truly great show which has had some amazing moments, and episodes. Yes it is dark, and violent but as the reviewer on here said, the violence, while sometimes extremely graphic in nature, is always done as a genuine part of the various character developments (& is also true to the source material), rather than

Thanks so much!

The AV Club


Ha! Good questions, all. I keep wondering what Littlefinger is up to - I mean, Circe summoned him, and now she's locked up and he's… doing what exactly? Sitting on his hands?


Ha! Good points, all. I keep wondering what the fuck Littlefinger is doing, he went back to Circe because she summoned him and now she's locked up and he's… where? Doing what? Pretty much anyone who ever sent out crows is dead now, so at this point I don't know how any of them are getting any gossip at all, let alone

Jorah to live! Let's hope Dany can find someone to send out a raven or two to bring in the procession of healers to try and cure him (assuming he ever tells her…)

True, although seeing as there is no one left to send out any ravens any more, it doesn't totally seem as if Dany would be ready to produce a procession of healers… Don't get me wrong, I badly want Jorah to live, so hopefully Dany or someone else will, indeed, find a cure

How funny that you mention tearing up cheques…when Boss Hog tore up Lee Pace's cheque despite having made him sign something, I was muttering 'can I get a copy of that paperwork I just signed where you presumably SETTLED A LEGAL AGREEMENT WITH ME but still tore up my cheque please' but ah, no, television, so of course

Gordon looked healthy enough but a little dead-behind-the-eyes, I thought. As far as the commercial goes, naah, there would have been loads more wavy lines everywhere. Something like this little beaut:

Hah! I like your argument, and you're right, nothing sticks in the craw worse than accepting something blindly because you are told to accept it because you are told it is what happens… Still and all, just saying, lazy trope or no, the fact remains people have and do buy coke…so maybe Gordon was one of those people?

"…reality hasn't involved cocaine use amongst engineers."
You know this for a fact, huh? Were you in Silicon Valley in the 80's working as a programmer?
In refering to 'tv land' I was merely stating a common lazy shorthand trope for writers wishing to indicate an 80's timeframe is to show heavy coke usage. What I

Well, yes, I want to be there, but more than that, there's a few times when I feel I WAS there - when Cameron was programming that code (or coding the programming or whatever, not a tech) in that tiny office, I feel like I was leaning against the wall watching her, rather than watching her on a screen…That's the

Ha! You beat me to it, I called Boz as Mutiny's new manager before I read the comments

The AV Club:

I agree, I thought it was a great series, I have been looking forward to this coming back since it ended last year. I thought it was always phenomenally atmospheric, most of what I remember about the last series is more like a collection of feelings than memories, most of the time, as a viewer, I felt like I was right

Er…cocaine has been a stimulant for everyone, since, like 1855, and before that was a Mayan thing for like 1,000 years…
I guess what I'm saying is: In tv-land, absolutely EVERYONE did coke in the 80's, even lowly tech-geeks.
Plus, you can take an awful lot of cocaine before you start getting nosebleeds, so Gordo could