
Gendry: Round The World In A Coracle

Well, Shireen was saved by the sum total of knowledge of lots and lots of different people, it's not a terribly well known cure, so Dany still may not be able to save him in time

She can't nurse him back from having Stone Flesh or whatever its called…
Dur it's called Grey Scale
I've only just finished the episode
I'm still excited so my brain isn't functioning properly

Jazz Hands? Fucking genius, I'm still laughing

I really really hope so

Hahaha wow you just literally made me laugh out loud. That would be so fucking genius - Randall comes back in to the cell dressed as a Juggalo and pulls out a gimp mask…amazing

Yay! Rapelander time!

Random notes from the episode (chronologically, naturally)…
No, Vanessa, you are not a neurotic, largely because the concept doesn't exist yet.
Yay! The accent's gone!
Oh, ok, so Sir Malc works as a…what for all the poor bastards with cholera? Coffin buyer?
Thank Christ Clare/the Creature has stopped saying "thee" all the

These are so brilliant, you should take over the main review (uhhh…no disrespect to who's doing it ATM…). I only started watching season one on Fri and now I'm all caught up (binge much?), so now am going back and finding all your reviews, and laughing my ass off

Yes. Yes she was.

THANK YOU for that, even having looked him up, I was like 'well, it's not like I recognise him from repeated viewings of City of Ember but DAMN he's familiar from somewhere'… You have scratched my brain itch, so cheers.
ps Fortitude was AMAZING, can't wait for season 2

That recap is fucking genius. The girly slapping match they had in the carriage with the *new* evil blondes made me cry laughing, it was was so ineffectual

I thought it was funny how her Peaky Blinders accent kept manifesting

Pfff, that's nothing, he also had a massive speech about 'psychosexual breakdown' or some such well in advance of Freud coining all that shit

I'm loving your analysis


But wait! Maybe we didn't actually see Juliette die for reals…I mean, she looked dead, and did the 'I'm dead' final exhalation thing BUT SHE'S A FREAKING HEXENBEAST so maybe she'll pause while Nick weeps and then do that 'I was dead but now I'm alive again' deep breath in…? Surely it's not too late to petition the

Yeah, it came to me in a blinding flash! How awesome…still, I'm sure it will be great where they go next. Will find your Darla comment momentarily :-D

Maaaaybe…? But we've seen her head in a box, so…I think she's pretty much dead at this point

Yeah, me too…although part of me is kinda sad Juliette didn't get to go off and become The Big Bad, from Vienna, for the next season, leading to some awesome high jinks as she made Nick's life hell, infiltrated the Royals, learned the full extent of her powers, realises she is being manipulated just like Diana, so