
Ha! Nice point about it only being a community college. A hit! A palpable hit! Plus we all totes know Norma only did the nasty with him so she could blackmail him at a later date if he started to feel a bit reveal-y about her "So, about my son the murderer…" moment of madness. He's been a major douche since he first

Huzzah! Loads more to go! Wow, some good stuff in the interview there…

Yeah I was beyond happy with Ava's happy ending, glad Boyd has at least got a flock again (you know he just loves people hanging on his every word, one way or another)…I was just sorry we didn't look back in on Loretta, you bet your bottom dollar she was RUNNING Harlan's weed biz like a Don, thought it would have been

Which is funny given that initially, it was Norma that was never letting any other woman get close to her son. Emma was only ever suitable because of her built-in sell by date, after all

Haha not so far…I was looking for a twitter name and one meaning ceaseless babbling seemed appropriate.
Plus it contains a secret Dollhouse shout-out ;-)

And Duffy! Ran off with the money! Amazing

I was ridiculously pleased about Ava's happy ending, Raylan was so amazing keeping her safe like that

Pff, your guess is as good as mine…but they are certainly dragging their feet recommissioning it!

No worries ;-)

Ha! Yeah, Emma used to all over that shit! She really IS over him, then…Guess spending hours looking after him all catatonic the other night finally put her off him for good (& bonded her even more to Dylan!)

I think they've built in so many interesting 'new' characters (ie not in the original film) that they could probably keep going for quite a few more series, the show runner has tailed about a potential 5 seasons, but then it hasn't been renewed yet either so…I don't know where that leaves us…they might kill Real Norma

Yeah he is totally grinning and waving lol

The flash drive was stolen by the dead call girl from the beginning of the season, from the Arcanium Club, of Sex Party fame. It contains details of offshore accounts, full of laundered drug money (which was White Pine Bay's sum industry, apparently). One of those accounts has been set up, by Romero's father, in the

*is still crying from that line*
True story, when we watched it, my Mom didn't hear that last line and I was literally crying to hard to tell her until after the credits had almost finished… Oh, the feels

Well…although I think they should go the whole hog and six seasons and a movie it, this episode being called The Last Supper… Coupled with the fact that the final episode

Your username is phenomenal

Oh my for you've mentioned Justin and made me all excited about The Leftovers season 2 starting soon

Aww, I know, ever since Norma first came to White Pine Bay, all I've ever wanted for her was just to be…happy

Indeed, beautifully said. Funny, though, how Norman sitting there in an absolute bate (ha!) didn't put a tiny bit of the mockers on the wonderful warm glowy atmosphere…He wouldn't chink glasses, he'd been glaring at everyone all night, we all know what Norman's like when he's in an eggy, you'd think maybe conversation

I'm not sure but I think Norma abandoned Dylan with the high school boyfriend patsy she claimed was his father when Dylan was pretty young, so she was absent for his childhood/whole life (?) until he came to White Pine Bay - so yeah, it's natural that he would want his mommy (despite being resentful at being abandoned)