
Norma calmer and happier than, in fact, we imagined possible!

Haha, thanks, thought it was an awesome pic to begin my AV Club existence with lol

Ha! I cannot disagree :-)

Dr Ugh surely :-)

The Knick is also an excellent recommendation. If you like comedy, check out Short Poppies on Netflix, it's written by/starring Rhys Darby from Flight of the Conchords, so fucking funny, he plays multiple characters in this tiny town who all intersect in the most amazing way

Banshee is AMAZING. Check it out. Crazy, ridiculous, bombastic, wonderful. Sherrif Hood will…rock your world

Holy shit

I was thinking he's still totally obsessed with her…and although he's been playing all broken and remorseful (so, as is, it would be hard to see him raping Norma)…However, now Norma has shown the "family paradise " she can create, what the Bates family could lool like in another world, and if she stays true to her

Such a good summary of his actions!

Ha! I keep wondering about that ever since someone brought it up in the comments a few weeks ago

Well, they did look pretty cosy at the piano, and Norma did seem to love showing off to him…

I was totally thinking that about Dr Ugh (lol great name) you might want someone to realise such a profound realisation FOR THEMSELVES, after, like 10 YEARS OF THERAPY - but you wouldn't spit it at them in what is notionally your first session

Woah woah woah, Emma is from Manchester IRL, but whatever mangled shit her dad is doing is most certainly not a Manchester accent (check out a clip of Liam Gallagher from Oasis, that's broadly how Mancs speak)

Haha yeah, I'm afraid to shave my legs in the shower now in case I cut myself…

No. There are no meaningless conversations on this show. It is pretty much wall-to-wall jokes, cultural refences, punchlines, or wicked funny jibes at famous people; often more than can be laughed at or even registered in a single viewing. This episode made me laugh so much, it makes me think I'm going to have to go

Yes. Yes it will.

Wait, what? That's amazing *brb*

*blushes* thanks. Yours is pretty badass too

I love this analysis as much as Vikingly possible

That is a perfect summary