Me too. I was stomach-sick the entire night and just dazed the next day. As a Canadian.
Me too. I was stomach-sick the entire night and just dazed the next day. As a Canadian.
I think it's great. Trevor makes me crack up with his comments and expressions, and he has a point of view a little different than many in late night thanks to his different upbringing. He's highly intelligent and very sharp.
*tips hat* That's why you're God (although a lame one who needs a starship).
I want to change the laws of my country so I can legally marry this show.
The fundamentalists, sure. The others would be more open-minded. It'd be interesting to imagine the Christian message through a matrilineal line.
This would make a great premise for a story!
I can't honestly say I like this, but I have to up vote you for very effectively portraying how chilling that is in just a few words.
True, but there are redemption stories for Heatwave in comics. Don't quote me though; I'm no expert.
Theory: Sandor Clegane is the Mick Rory of Westeros.* Both made savage by life; both scarred by fire; both turned on by a (figurative) brother; both made softer thanks to a relationship with a woman whose name both starts and ends with "A"; both caught up in a fellowship they had no intention of joining and which they…
Human nature being what it is, though, the trolls are probably sending 10 times the amount of communication that the fans are. I can't blame him a bit; I'd do the same, if most of my engagement came from assholes rather than the silent majority.
You'd be shocked at just how many women are conditioned into believing such behaviour is not only acceptable, but to be expected.
Damned onions.
I'm from a similar culture - both English *and* Irish influence, and at times it seems that other than the ultra-conservative Christians absolutely everybody drinks and the vast majority can't conceive of going out without getting drunk. The four-drink rule is just an appetizer around here.
I want to put this on a wall too. Well said.
Damn, I want to put this on a wall somewhere. Well done, sir.
God working through sinful other people rather than appearing divinely to yours truly and supernaturally curing me because I and my faith are just that special? Bite your tongue!
Not to mention tons of great ideas for children's books! Nothing too vulnerable, though. Children are already vulnerable.
*shudders* You got your hands on the wrong list.
But you lose so many nutrients with cooked magnetism!
I never knew I wanted this until now….