Nuns With Guns

Ummm.... did it occur to you that the BMX-riding woman in the pic is NOT a fundamentalist? Newsflash: Islam comes in many different flavours.

Someone sooooo needs to put this image on a t shirt <3

Is that still the case? Trump et al just suspended the visa waiver programme between the US & my spot (because New Zealand is totally a hotbed of radicalism *cough*)

It takes some people a long time to wake up. If some marchers were sleeping before the election, be glad that they are awake now. Let go & move forward. You all have a lot to fight for. This isn’t about your feelings.

Let’s not judge her boobs. There is plenty of other shit to judge.

The surreal thing is, the current NZ govt fucking sucks. They are a bunch of neoliberal pieces of shit who want to destroy poor people. The fact that NZ sponsored this resolution is a reflection of how isolated Israel has become.

It’s really, really NOT body shaming. I seriously do not understand how they came to that conclusion. I mean... WUT?!

Smoking weed does not “often” cause psychosis. Whoever told you that was lying to you.

Thank you so much for that link, great article

You need to learn some history, kid.

100% yes!

Thank you! As if even a SINGLE nuclear weapon being fired wouldn’t be super destructive. People need to learn some history. This is terrifying.

Treat it as a chance to practice not giving a fuck what people think about you.

This is so cool :)

My go to for this flavour of unreasonable customer is: “if I had the power to make that decision, I would be in an office counting my money, not behind a counter talking to you.”

OMG, people actually complained about a lack of Tyra Banks style smizing?! What the hell.

People are peculiar indeed.

Why is sweetheart a rape-culture term?

Believe it or not, not all countries are as flush with serial killers as yours is.

No one is perpetuating the destruction of anyone’s mental health. Jesus.