
its ok prince. i would be scared too.

project free tv. or tv links. ENJOY!

oooh. Desperate Scousewives is not bad reality tv. it is trashy at its best. WATCH IT! that and TOWIE.( the only way is essex) and go ahead and add Made in Chelsea to your list. its gossip girl in real life.

i was going to heart you..but i already have.

sharing with everyone i know! i must also add that while one cancer isn't greater than another, but the attention SGK gets really distracts for other serious conditions that aren't easy to detect, and often aren't even tested for. Ovarian cancer, and cervical run in my family and nobody ever talks about them.

you still have a milkman? you better invite yourself over to watch Sherlock( great show) before you're forced to buy shit milk at the store like me.

i just burst out laughing, my class thinks im crazy. i would post this anonymously but what would be the fun in that. My ex fiancée gave me chlamydia, (hence the ex, among other reasons )when i was still an avide wearer of uggs boots. now that i dont own any i have been sti free. coincidence? i think not.

i think the word she is looking for is bisexual.

honestly. i am so excited i think i will go to the grocery store and mix one of my own.

hearted!! BEST. MOVIE. EVER.

LOL. Wow, i would love to read that thesis! You can even use me as a subject. My mom is Senegalese, my dad is German. You can imagine the stupid shit i have to put up with as a black girl with Schulz as a last name. #CRAY!

@kshortie16 this post + Mercedes Gif is me spitting up my wine gold! Hearted, the both of uze.

wow. i would have lost my mind. clearly they must have forgotten that Europe colonised, craved up, took over all the natural resources and reduced Africans to nothing more than their servants. Different history my ass.

i am so upset at this! Celine knows no bounds! my god its sooo bad. i quit

as an ex apple employee they are indeed RACIST as shit. to customers, but more importantly to their employees. we are starting a class action against my old store, and im proud to say FUCK THEM!

@Catherine Morland: project free tv might have them online but Bittorrent is ur best best. i dloaded 3 seasons..the final is only of youtube though

@otherginger: 'The Human Hairball Depiction' .. That sounds like an episode of Big Bang Theory.

FUCK YOU 2010...fuck broken engagements..fuck the debt that FUCKer left in my name.Fuck at 24 i had to file for bankrupty..FUCK that i couldnt graduate this year because of said debt. Fuck the vacation you took your girlfriend on while i was working fulltime and in school to pay our RENT!! fuck the std you gave me

Thank you fellow Jezzies for also feeling that this was unnecessarily harsh, and judgemental. i feel like im losing what i used to love the site for..o well. Guess this means i should start slut shaming too

@daisyhalfwit: hearted! thank you. yea shes annoying...mediocre talent blah blah etc. but shes an 18yr old girl doing dumb shit we all did. we just didnt have assholes around us trying to profit from it. give the girl a gdamn break