Also known as the Westin BonaBegBug. Good luck y’all!
Also known as the Westin BonaBegBug. Good luck y’all!
White supremacy is a seductive one. ‘If I align myself with the right (white) people, assimilate correctly I won’t be affected by what happens to others. I’m brown but the good kind.’ That’s the lie. White people will always remind you that you’re not white enough. Selling out those around you won’t save you, you’re…
My first thought was “that’s a shame, could use a lot less of them”. Then I just laughed. Oh, dreams.
Set the entire city on fucking fire. I’m done with this shit. How many more?
I want to grow up to be like me too. I was shaking the entire ride to work. And generally not outspoken, but something just switched in me. I was just so mad! The only thing I could think of was to grab him back.
Standing at the bus stop minding my own business this jackass PULLED my hair. Said he just wanted to know how it felt. I grabbed said man’s balls. Suffice to say he was NOT happy. I kindly told him my hair was as important to me as his balls and to kindly fuck off. Luckily for me the bus was pulling up before things…
What unsurprising garbage. I really cannot wait until all these old rasict so die.
I see your MasterChef and raise you the Housewives of Melbourne. Pure TV gold.
I just saw this yesterday, what a terrible person.
Yes, Kelly sorry should have been clear. I just saw it on Facebook yesterday.
There’s a video up on TMZ of her drunk rambling some vile racist shit about why she doesn’t like black men. I hope she gets fired, such trash.
It was the most appropriate gif to my actual reaction. If the wig had money under it would have been perfect.
Man, this sucks and is really triggering. Why would anyone think this is ok?I went to the beach holiday with a group few years ago and a friend took a fun picture of me and I posted it Instagram. I thought I looked great, I was about 170 at the time, 5'6 for context. I have always been self conscious and finally was…
What the fuck is happening? Do we really look like trash, not worth life to you? Do our babies not matter?!? I don’t know what to do other than cry. What kind of monster are you to shoot a man dead in front of fucking 4 year old. I have to collect my thoughts, I’m sorry this is too much.
I needed a good laugh this morning. And my coffee just doesn’t taste the same without white tears in it. Thanks all around! I should send Jesse a fruit basket.