her tits look like Kelly Bensimons...they must have had they same plastic surgoen
her tits look like Kelly Bensimons...they must have had they same plastic surgoen
@stacyinbean: OMG thats exactly what it looks like.. i am now coughing up phlem from laughing so hard..
@Amadou Doumbia: I wish i could promote, so i hearted you instead!! You made my morning..
im african. there will be parading singing and dancing whether the groom and i are involved or not. so i might as well grab a drum and get down
@FrabjousDay: I now right! DC riders and bus drivers are soo inconsiderate. i had badly sprained ankle last fall, and was wobbling all around town. The only time i wish i had a car! The assholes one the metro wouldnt get up for me sit, unles i asked?!.and the damned buses would blow past me at a stop if i didnt make…
i love black on white contrast...i cant wait to make swirly babies!!
Y(Mndy) wr clrly rsd n prd hshld. Bng ndn tht dsnt srprs m. My mthr s Sngls... fr s lng s cn rmmbr sh wld cm hm frm wrk, strp dwn t wrpp(r vrsn f srng) whch sh shld t, jst ndr hr brsts(lk sh ws mkng pnt) nd wlk rnd th hs ths wy. fr nshmd f hr bdy tht br tw chldrn. Tdy m qlly fr wth myslf nd t hs trnsltd nt my…
Im not suprised if he is gay..he went to St. Barts with Andy Cohen and crew a few winters back...dont they look cozy.. frolicking in the waves
@acutelyaware: i get stoned and watch tyra too!! wish it wasnt ending so we could start a club
@MizJenkins: here here, thats just sad.
sorry but a small dick is a small dick. when u put it inside and i cant really feel you? when i give you head my fingers can touch my palm and i can take you all down with even a little gag? thats an issue. u dont have to be huge..7 is decent with a little thickness...but if you do have a small dick YOU BETTER EAT…
i have had 3 "lost condom" episodes from hookups who insisted on using magnums when their dicks would have fit the durex i had just fine..dumb asses
the sad thing is i cant argue with any of that graph. i love my friends and family but i cant fucking stand being around them for long periods of time. especially my friends...i miss them, and get lonely when their not around, but when they are i recognize how annoying and stupid they are and would prefer to be alone..
i think chelsea is funny manly because i can relate to much of what she jokes about. stereotypes are funny, and just because a half jewish white girl wants to call out black people for the RIDICULOUS names they give their children so what? as a black woman, i dont think her humor has anything to do with being…
@la vie en hypnose: i thought i was the only one.... my fbook status is "i want a ginger" right now..chocolate and ginger is the best combo
@carriageclockshove: today's special: GREAT PICK! i was going to add a take that vid as soon as i saw Roobie. Because thats when i feel in love with him..o take that..I LOVED THE 90s
@PintoBeans: Really easy..that looks terrible. and maraschinos are disgusting..Who doesnt looooove cream cheese and warm gooey carrot
as a black girl who has attended predominately white educational institutions her entire life, generally speaking white guys like white girls...they will flirt. chat you up but never date or take you seriously....until they meet me( insert yourself here), i have found myself being the first black girl alot of guys…
@stacyinbean: U r soo right. They only drivers i have seen in a Charger are women! Way to alienate ur customer dodge...
I thought I was anti fur until i got a little taste of the good stuff. It was a beautiful fur stole from my old waspy grandmother. And in this cold winter my body appreciates its warmth..FUCK PETA!!!