
Comes with realistic draft deferment action! Bone spurs included!

this was a united states president. let that shit sink in for a second.

Umm, except that the expanded universe beyond the original movies has also said that Luke’s future is likely to be an utter cluster? In the Legends canon he *willingly* dove into the dark side alongside (ironically) a resurrected Palps and had to be slapped back to sanity. His track record with students was... umm...

I’ve never understood the idea that Luke was “character assassinated.” Nobody is the same person at 60 that they were at 20 and assuming they would be is odd. In fact, assuming they would be means no sequel trilogy at all: Luke should have sorted out this whole mess before it really got going. Luke had to fail, and

There were plenty of reasons to subvert those expectations which all tie into the story the movie is telling. Luke’s whole arc is about disillusionment so he throws the lightsaber away. Ren’s arc is that he’s driven by irrational anger and resentment, not by any consistent ideology, so he kills his master Snoke. The

Yeah, but I don’t think there is a superhero movie I would not rewatch over Batman v Superman. I think I’d rather go through Fant4stic again than BvS.

My favorite part of Captain Marvel is the bit where the bad guy tries to goad her into fistfighting him, and she just energy blasts him and moves on. Big Raiders of the Lost Ark vibes in that scene.

Totally with you. I caught it REALLY late in the run - like I saw it in another state because it was almost gone late - and immediately called my GF at the time and basically said “I will come back here tomorrow if you wanna see this movie.” I never really cared about Captain America very much; wasn’t a big comics

By the way: How much did the streaming services pay for BA? They’re not running it out of the goodness of their hearts.”

I don’t think it’s so much Marvel’s comic market share as it is the fact that moviegoers trust Marvel movies to delivery in a way that they don’t for DC. The Nolan Batman movies were huge, but DC’s portfolio has been wildly varying in quality since then, so they haven’t built up the (current) cachet that Marvel has.

Or…We Need To Talk About Hawkman

The Rock will do anything to help make the movie a success...except move out of his safe mid-tier movie formula.

That’s kind of the thing, right? Any comparison between pre and post-pandemic box office numbers is going to be kind of disingenuous. The fact a couple of movies have done pre-pandemic numbers doesn’t mean the industry as a whole is back to normal, and realistically it’s never really going to go back.

It’s a movie about a villain that non-comics people aren’t familiar with, and the villain’s hero was also borderline not well know if you don’t read comics and didn’t watch the Shazam-Isis hour as a kid, aaaandd Shazam was pretty good and still underperformed, aaaaaannnnnddddddd it only had two weeks to make all it’s

The Rock, every time he’s opened his mouth over the last two years: “The hierarchy of power in the DC Universe is about to change.”

At least he’s coping by trying to find some numbers that make him feel better instead of complaining about “woke critics” or “cancel culture” while RTing critics so his fans will swarm them on Twitter.

They should’ve counted popcorn sales as well.

Yep and I’m happy for that bc it means that Avatar The Way of Water is about to tank in terms of its budget thus sparing the world from the threat of six films about sexy CG blue cataliens. With the added bonus of deflating Jimmy’s outlandish ego.

Only if the sequel is titled Hawkman’s Deal.

Black Adam was a vanity project for the Rock and it wasn’t a very good one either. The only reason I’d want to see a sequel is if they explained what exactly Hawkman’s deal was.