Murdock, Nelson *& Page*
Murdock, Nelson *& Page*
So every other disease in all of history came from nature except for COIVD 19 even though there is literally zero evidence of it coming from the lab. China’s action does in any way shape or form suggest what you say. China’s quick action is because they have experience from SARS and suppressing information is because…
World peace.
I know I am fighting the tide here, but I want a psych out for the multiverse angle. I enjoyed Loki more or less but I really hate the idea of multiverses since it screams “interest is waning: bring back Cap/Iron Man/Black Widow/whoever from the next universe over!” I get a lot of this is to sell toys and stuff, but…
I want a gloriously 2d animated spider ham just popping out at some point to screw with the various Peters Parker before disappearing again.
I want Miles Morales. And Ghost spider.
Fuck it, just give me spiderverse 2.
That’s my answer! Charlie Fucking Cox.
And he will be played by...
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock.
Peter meets Deadpool, thinks he’s a “Grim’n’Gritty” Future Spidey.
Fun, entertaining Multiple-Spider-Men hijinks (Spider-jinks?).
I want Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield all over the place, just making an awesome multiverse, and just before the end credits roll, I want Topher Grace appearing, about to turn into Venom, saying “we’re not done yet”, and then Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool shows up and shoots him dead in the face saying, “Heeeey, sorry…
They have to do this.
My biggest fear is the movie tries to put in so much and go so extra that it does truly become incoherent. The only fan wish I have is that it’s a good movie!
I want to see the movie and have fun. That’s all I’d normally ask.
But since you want us to go wild: I’d want a psychedelically deranged acid trip sequence where reality is so messed up, Parker and the villains keep shifting into multiple depictions of themselves, fighting across a chaotic landscape (like Dr. Strange’s…
I’m expecting two things:
I want to say “HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS BONKERS!” when the credits roll.
I know you’re joking, but I’d happily pay to watch a cross of it’s a wonderful life and into the spiderverse. That sounds delightful.
I want Japanese Spider-man and his giant mech. Even just a mention of it would be cool.