
They’d better bring Jaskier back!

Looks like that popularity gave them a bigger budget. Nice.

AFAIC, it’s a sequel in the same way James Bond movies (pre-Casino Royale, cuz obvs) are sequels. Sequels that use the same cast as the first without directly referencing the first are made all the time. WB knows how critically maligned the first Suicide Squad is so it makes sense they don’t want to acknowledge that it

Intergang? Awesome!

Asylum’s Jungle Run... not to be confused with Jungle Runs: Montezuma’s Revenge.

Already a prequel spin-off when the second season isn’t even out yet? Sheesh. 

I unironically cannot wait to see how bad those sets look in 4k

Why am I getting the feeling that this is going to be a rare Rock bomb!

The capybara will be voiced by Eddie Murphy.

From NatGeo magazine online behind a paywall.

Question: Is there an upper limit to the size of a planet? I know a lot of it has to depend on density and composition, but just wondering if a non-gas giant has a limit to it’s size and what the largest planet ever found is?

It’s like he thought we’d forgive him for his role in nearly destroying American democracy if he did some American-ish things, like ride some hip technology while carrying a flag while a 40yo country song played in the background. Rather than, you know, removing blatant lies from FB/Insta and supporting voting rights

I remain to be fully convinced that Mr. Zuckerberg is actually biologically human.

It’s just so weird and cringy. 

I hope you told him to go to hell. Or alternatively, grabbed a ball with you fingernails and twisted and asked him whether that was imaginary. I always think of these things MUCH too late. One summer job I had one year was to take care of two kids who were blind, deaf, and severely intellectually disabled at the state

Ahh, the ol’ burden of Eve. Yet again something to thank the Patriarchy for.

To be fair, the academy basically DOES hate women.

Someone with a PhD who is also a woman

However, funding is how to solve this (you are right). Maybe before I hit menopause in 20 years, they will have a treatment.

At the same time, most doctors (most of which were WOMEN) have made fun of/ignored/refused to care

Esp. if you are a Black woman in the South!

It doesn’t help that a) women are perceived as exaggerating their pain and b) there still persists a widespread sentiment that menstrual pain (along with the pain of childbirth) is essential to the experience of being a woman.