
I agree 2nd and 3rd tier characters deserve some love, but I don’t think DC/WB mistake was initially focusing on the trinity. Their mistake was hiring folks who didn’t understand the characters and probably execs who didn’t want to seem like they were copying Marvel by having lightness (as appropriate) and goofier

Honestly, King Shark being a dumb brute was the weakest link for the core team, in my opinion. I really would have preferred Ron Funches to voice him and for Gunn to have given him more to say and do. 

Loved it. Pretty much everyone I thought would die did but the last one gave me the sads anyway. I just love Margot as Harley. I was very invested in the rat sidekick’s welfare. Speaking of rats, if they aren’t your thing and you haven’t seen the film, you may not want to. I hope DC has finally learned they can’t

Can’t wait. I love Margot as Harley so much! 

That’s actually a good idea. Just wish they showed something onscreen. 

The ending definitely was WTF. Why did they cut away and flash forward? 

Agree on every point you made. Though I think Red Guardian was just lying and didn’t expect anyone to challenge his story. I enjoyed the movie, but it could have been better.

Hard disagree. I thought he did a fine job of acting just barely hinged. His sorta polite but eccentric demeanor (plus being mortal) clearly caught Loki and Sylvie off-guard and they eventually allowed him time to give his proposal, on his terms. If he was flat out crazy or an asshole, they would have just chased him

I will riot (quietly) if this does not happen. 

I’m no fancy scientist, but why would a civilization about to be annihilated by a collision with a big ass planet wait until said planet was practically in its atmosphere to launch an escape ship? Was the last screw tightened an hour before? 🤔

I’m not surprised. It wasn’t good. Wigs were trash. Plus, it was boring to watch.  I wanted Code Jesus and his bratty daughter to die already so the wife and son could get some damn peace. The best parts were the flashbacks up until the island. Ugh. Power of friendship or something and now they fly! Just a mess. 

Thank you. If the accident couldn’t be undone or the process to reverse the accident had significant risks that could could end with no one being saved, ok. Otherwise, there was an obligation to fix the mistake. 

Never saw it as murder but it was a sad way to correct a mistake. I think Janeway made the right decision.

My default belief is secret military tech (us or another country) until proven otherwise. Yeah, I’d like to believe too, but even the Pentagon saying they don’t know doesn’t fully convince me they don’t really know.

I agree. As noted, the Pentagon has admitted some sightings of UAP are true. So why wouldn’t science sites treat the topic as credible? Things were observed, don’t know what it could it be, seems pretty basic science to me.

I read Hopkins’ reps pleaded repeatedly for him to be able to participate via Zoom and the Academy refused. How absolutely insane they wouldn’t bend for an 83 year old best actor nominee in the middle of a pandemic. So it seems Boseman’s memory and Hopkins himself got treated very poorly. Shame on the Academy!

I can deal with Boseman not winning. What we’re not going to do is pretend Hopkins is some trash choice for best actor. What I think most folks are irked about is how the Academy used Boseman’s death for hype and eyeballs and delivered nothing really honoring him. What was the goal here? Even the charitable aspect of

Damn. Harsh but true. 

It really is a strange, fictional hill they’re willing to die on but so predictable.

*waves fist angrily* Mendoza!!!