
No sleep tonight. Or for a while.

Her smug, “and what?” Look after snatching the wig is the best part.

If so, it's not enough to make up for the loss of his dignity.

She’s the living embodiment of Lisa Frank “artwork”.

I wonder what he’s getting out of it except exposure? Does he really want to be memorialized in a sappy song once it’s over? There’s no way this is making him more bankable as an actor or landing him more roles. It’s odd.

I think it's safe to ignore anything else Chris Martin has to say. He could tell me his name and I wouldn't believe him.

You really need to bypass the primary care physicians and contact your local health department because guidance has been issued by the CDC. One would think the PCPs would take this seriously since Jamaica has been identified as an area with Zika.

Johnny Depp's attack team is seriously angering me. I get that he deserves his day in court and has a right to defend himself from accusations that may be false. But the "bitch is crazy and a gold digger" slant is not making me question Amber, it's making me think JD is protesting a bit too much.

She and her family annoy me but I agree with you. If I were blessed to be onstage with Prince I would probably freeze like a dork too. Kim is human. She's allowed to be star struck too.

What? How bizarre. What could anyone possibly gain at this point to declare, officially, they all were killed?

I mistakenly read this as “the unicorns are amazing” and instantly wanted to travel to this magical place with corn dogs, fresh lemonade and frolicking mythical beasts.

Don’t you know everyone posting is perfectly enlightened and woke and so are their family, friends and acquaintances? /s

Click bait.

Hell, I don't care for either one but will be voting straight D come November . It really isn't that hard.

He’s morphing into a pudding pop before our very eyes.