
I recently heard an interview with, of all people, Pat Buchanan, who actually suggested that this country is “on the verge of getting a divorce.” And I say, yes...a million times, yes! It’s time to break this nation up and self-segregate based on values on world view. Seriously, would you MISS Republicans living in

God used to do the best plagues. Locusts, blood, slaying of the first born. Just a hole now? No stamina! SAD!

I’d have thought this particular investigation would fall to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fyrearms.

Ja Rule, the rapper and Mr. McFarland’s celebrity business partner, looked on the bright side. “The whole world knows Fyre’s name now,” he said. “This will pass, guys.”

Will you up the rating if Ja Rule crushes that tech douche’s head with a rock?

don’t you mean “Lord of the Flyes”?

I hope that one of the charges filed against the organizers is charging $5k to see Blink-182 in the year 2017.

Fake News. That’s clearly Florida Man in a gator costume.

what if lorde is the robot

I can’t ever be mad at Logan Echoll’s mom. It helps that I don’t know anything else about her.

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

My four year old spent 20 minutes peeling paper wrappers off crayons yesterday.

This is actually really great news. Circuses suck.

Then I’ll be tried and convicted for assault because this is Trump’s America.

In which case, I hope the lady in question comes back and pinches his nuts between her fingers until they leave little crescent fingernail bruises on his saggy old man scrotum.

Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.

This is horrifying.

You realize that he turned the whole school he last talked at against a trans student, right? One who had to change schools for her own safety? Not everyone has the privilege to just ignore this guy through his hissy fits.

A self-hating one at that. He advocates for “gays to go back in the closet” and that he’d be straight if he could help it, and he has said that “gay rights are detrimental to humanity”.

Dave Lozo is my hero.