This does not sound like a magic trick.
This does not sound like a magic trick.
I used to work for a book distributor that had Regnery as a client during the mid 00's. During the sales conferences, they would come out and seem like the most miserable, angry fucks on the planet. Every other publisher was upbeat and wanted to get the sales reps excited for their key titles but, nope, not Regnery.
I was just talking to someone who works at Simon & Schuster as a publicist and is not happy that they are doing this. I hate the whole “withhold judgment until they have had a chance to read the actual contents of the book.” We know what he is about! He has made himself very clear. It normalizes hate-speech. Yes yes…
Before we go any further: Southwest is definitely not beneath me. United and their garbage are definitely beneath me. Fuck United.
If the cats rise up and take over who will feed and pamper the cats while they sleep 18 hours a day?
War for the Planet of the Apes 2017: In which we all kind of start rooting for the apes.
Currently pregnant, can’t smell electricity, but I can smell man funk from 50 paces.
Thank you. I don’t see how anyone could actually watch this and not see what he was doing here.
No, Noah does those of us who don’t know who these people are a favor.
How is this substantially different than Jon Stewart having on Betsy Mccaughey for an extended interview talking nonsense about Obamacare back in 2009?
If you were a liberal snowflake, you might have received adequate funding for an education and realised that “was” is the wrong tense to use in that tweet.
Wow, no. Have we learned nothing from this last election? Silencing racists and mean-spirited bigots like Lahren only feeds into their martyr complexes. I’m reminded of how many conservative speakers have been able to play the victim card after being stopped from speaking on college campuses.
Yeah I do not understand this at all. Having her on and seeing her not be able to do logic weakens her not him. Plus discourse is good?
I think Trevor, of all people on TV, is the one person that can take her on. She is looking for the conflict and anger, that is all she has. I hope he takes his Apartheid experience and takes these white nationalists to task.
Oh, he SHOULD allow her on his show. No discrimination here. He sliced and diced her quite fairly.
Not sure what you mean by your comment...
I’d argue it was a good thing to have her on the show? Addresses the whole, have people with other viewpoints so I’m not in an echo chamber. His thought process was to probably skewer her, to expose her. On the other hand there is not arguing with these people. I just herd a guest on NPR, Diane Rehm, she had a guest.…