
… the time and place is 2002.

Did you notice how his comment about how "I can do whatever I want to those boys!" echoed his earlier rampage at Lisa's ("Go ahead, call the cops!")? Dude has not changed a *bit*.


Or hopefully she's just a horny rebellious teenager who needs makeup tips and a chance to go to a college with a good women's studies program.

women have only superficial impacts on their identities as men

Based on the previews, it looks as though Maggie might well have more of a voice in the next episode. And at least one woman has gotten a pointed zinger in each episode that puts all of the men's actions in context (Maggie, Audrey, the hillbilly bunny ranch madam, etc.).

You get to be a tad upset, sure, but what's the important thing to communicate there: your legitimate concern for your daughter's safety and well-being, or your fucked-up sense of possessiveness and wounded pride that you can't control your daughter's sexuality? I would have told my dad to fuck off too.

Nah, Audrey's tougher than that. It'll take more than slut-shaming from a dad who doesn't understand what a bad role model he's been to make her do anything that rash.

That look on Maggie's face when Marty called Audrey captain of the varsity slut squad.

She and Rust do have a similar ability to identify weakness.

Oh, definitely. That was as clear as day, especially given that 2012 Marty doesn't wear a wedding ring.

Thing is, I am quite sure that he was a terrible husband. She didn't need to point it out right that second, though.

He may also have been a boring car insurance salesman in Beaumont, given the background we've gotten from the interviewers.

Yep. For all that there are some incredibly realistic marital fights on this show (or have been, at least), that was just about a perfect encapsulation of two personalities who don't really know each other all that well.

I do so love how Maggie isn't being the standard Hurt Woman Scorned Who Will Take Your Cheating Ass Back in Maybe Two Months.

It was so nice to see him again, especially so unexpectedly. Plus he looked like he was having a blast, which Eli hasn't really had call to do in… a while.

And his tie, which I'm pretty sure is identical to one still hanging in my dad's tie rack.

She does!

I wanted Jeffrey Wright to stay on the show, and look what the HBO gods gave me!!!

At least she finally gets to sing the blues like she wanted.