
I can confirm this.

Nope, it's on the other side of town. Saul's future office is at Eubank and Montgomery. It was an empty storefront for about five years and is currently a bar named Sinners and Saints. I used to live about four blocks away.

That ugly face is something else again. Bob Odenkirk straight-up turned into a gargoyle for a few minutes.

But when he's in LPH Manager Mode, he… minces isn't quite the right word for it, but his movements are just a little bit sharper and twitchier, and he seems to hunch even though he's still standing upright. Giancarlo Esposito is *amazing*.

Here in Actual Albuquerque, it's called Golden Pride.

Speaking as an actual resident of Albuquerque, there's very little control here of any kind.

Or conspicuous displays of water waste in a desert, which is how people 'round these parts tend to view them.

End credit scene: they feed each other lemon cakes with no dialogue.

Which is why I mentioned that it does occasionally pop up.

No, that is the polite excuse post-antebellum types generally try to give for slaveowners not freeing their slaves. It was a much less popular contemporary rationale (though it did pop up on occasion). Hamilton himself was an officer of the New York Manumission Society, and it was plenty ambitious and successful.

(a) I take it you did not grow up in a small town.

Quite a lot of enslaved people were freed in the late 18th century, and the vast majority of them did just fine:…

As good an explanation as any!

My favorite bit about that was the tacit admission that these are relatively low crime rates, by ABQ standards.

I can confirm that they were not, as I used to live five blocks away.

UNM tuition is cheap now, and it was cheaper then. It's one of the more affordable places to get a law degree.

He plays a very similar character in Orphan Black and was a fantastically bonkers vampire in True Blood, which is relevant mostly because dude can bring the creepy.

Or maybe we see the Barbie scene from Marty's perspective and it's an indicator of just how screwed up his understanding of female sexuality really is. Not much explanation needed there.

The Barbie tableaux was a red herring inserted to demonstrate how screwed-up Marty's understanding of female sexuality really was. Viewers jumped on it and assumed that it meant that his daughters had been molested, but that's mostly because they either hadn't ever been little girls playing with Barbies or didn't