
Pizzolato did an excellent job last season demonstrating that not everything about a female character has to require sexual assault, and I hope he does the same this season.

Beat me to it!

Jimmy and Richard scalping the Old Guard AC guy remains a high bar to clear.

You don't think he'd want Fop instead?

Oh, but you have. They just had different titles and authors.

Here's the difference: you and I both understand that it was a dangerous and stupid thing to do, but Audrey pretty clearly didn't think that there was anything wrong with what either she or the two guys had done ("You can't do that!"). That's plain ol' garden-variety teenage naivete and stupidity, and it's 85% of the

Goodness, I had no idea. Thank heavens you've explained that to me.

No, it's a convenient excuse to pathologize female sexuality. It's also bullshit.

Teenage boys, on the other hand, don't need to have any deep meaningful traumatic experiences to explain why they're horny boogers. I wonder why.

This might be the most depressing conversation I'll have all week, and it's only Monday.

but as a "white, straight, man", I know I would feel some difficulty writing the perspective of a "homosexual, latina, woman". I imagine a lot of male writers and directors feel the same way.

One wonders where he'd be without all that tequila.

Weed abatement; broken-windows theory in action courtesy of the parish.

He's reliably unreliable. If there's a hot younger brunette who looks like her in the general vicinity, he'll cheat.

I was fortunate enough to catch a theatrical showing sitting directly in front of an entire row of sorority chicks lit on margaritas, and it was just about the perfect viewing experience. However, it also holds up just fine at home on Blu-ray with my cats.

Plus lawnmowing in tight white undershirts.

Marty is also extraordinarily reliable. If Rust needs him there in 90 seconds, he's there.

They were talking obliquely about Marty. He wasn't the ostensible subject of discussion, which was Maggie's general state of being. For Maggie's mom, however, that automatically means "How's your marriage?"

Cersei wishes she had it that sufficiently together.