
I have never been so sad to see Jack Huston's whole gorgeous face.

He's grown a lot since then!


I don't think Hoover quite realizes what he's gotten himself into.

Jeffrey Wright's face when he decided to be a turncoat, though. Give this man all the awards.

This season had two of the best beatdowns I've seen anywhere in recent memory.

And on top of all of that, Chalky has to wear another man's clothes.

Precisely! I had such high hopes for either hilarity or poignancy, and now stupid Samuel has ruined them. No wonder Mrs. White has taken to her bed.

Ooh, I'd forgotten about that. Definitely the sort of thing that keeps you high in someone's estimation.

Yeah, I was totally expecting Narcisse to try to pull his superior sophisticated Libyan routine on Masseria and have… improvident results, but two businessmen can surely see eye to eye when there's that much money on the table.

With just a smidge of eager-beaver naivete to make him slightly unpredictable.

I suspect at that point in time, a well-dressed black man meeting publicly with the mayor in his office would have been astonishing enough to merit some comment. Willy was also around during the mayor's warm fuzzy speech on the Northside (though if you blinked, you'd miss him), so he definitely knew who Narcisse was

"I found Mr. Capone's attempts at jocularity to be thin indeed, but I am cognizant of my position as his employee and made every attempt to smile broadly."

Available in the back room at your local video store: Milk and Cake (Bowmp Bowmp).

I am disappointed that we aren't going to see just how much money Chalky can spend on a wedding with 161 160 guests all in fancy hats, but if Maybelle isn't too unhappy about it, I suppose I can manage too.

And Christina Jackson; the pair of them just about left me a nervous wreck.

Given Masseria's personality, I'm not so sure that Dr. Narcisse will be able to… coordinate effectively with him, shall we say.

I like this theory thematically but do not like it at all as far as Tommy is concerned.


Well, there was so much going on!