
I was kinda surprised that we saw actual boobs in the Van Alden Marital Bedroom, given that we didn't get a nudity warning before the credits.

But it's not even the same stick-up-his-butt ramrod posture he had as Mr. Prohibition Agent. His shoulders are more squared, and his head is at a more… regal angle, I think.

It is amazing what good posture will do for one.

How Nelson Got His Groove Balls Back.

For the first time ever, I am calling shenanigans on one of the costumes in this show, because there is absolutely no way that slip/camisole/over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder could possibly be comfortable to sleep in, not in Florida, not when it's about three sizes too small.

Ideal for black-tie affairs or Neighborhood Watch events!

HBO could probably run an extremely profitable side business selling custom reproductions of the costumes on the show. Especially that suit; my God.

He got a big ol' stake shoved through his cheek along the way!

I certainly want her to sing at my funeral.

I work with someone amazingly like Dr. Narcisse. Sadly, he has been an affliction for about five years now.

So very Ed Wood.

Well, it is a modern new era.

I am going to miss Erik LaRay Harvey so, so much. Hopefully he shows up in something else worthy of his talents.

Mickey is amazingly indestructible. I want whatever neck brace he was wearing after Jimmy tossed him off that balcony, because it apparently works better than anything in this century.

She runs naked through the pages of the U.S. criminal code!

No, he remembers; it's just that the baby boy didn't live.

Truly, we are all peabrained idiots, completely unworthy of continuing a conversation with anyone wise enough to determine the emotional state and mindset of all 70 million purchasers—much less readers—of a book. Any attempts we might make to point out that your approach might be the teensiest bit reductive and

Protip: the more you associate emotional emptiness and sexual repression with women, the more likely it is that women of every stripe are likely to think of sex as something dirty, shameful, and bad. Which is to say, you're guaranteeing that there will be truckloads more books exactly like FSoG.

and how the public at large doesn't (it seems) speak out about it being vaguely emotionally and psychologically abusive.

Well, he was apparently already a big man in Baltimore, so it's something that he's familiar with.  But yes, I suspect things are not going to go well for him, because if Chalky doesn't know yet, he's going to figure it out with a quickness.