
Please, please, please, let the amphetamines and dementia take their mortal toll on this orange turd before January 20th.

The formula for Trump’s decline = (age + amphetamine-induced brain atrophy + compulsive tweeting causing ADD-like brain-rewiring + effects enhanced by non-exercising and probably dehydration + lack of any mental rigor or discipline + toxic effects of inhaling spray tan + unintentional side-effects of brain

Yes, this! Lack of clean water and privacy. Also, remember that there are women and girls who must keep the hymen intact or are victims of infibulation/FGM.

“If Men Could Menstruate” is brilliant. You know, it blows my mind, nearly monthly as I’m changing a tampon, when I think of how liberating the tampon has been—and of course pads before that. And, later too, the birth control pill, obviously.—But without pads/tampons, you’re not going to school, let alone go swimming