
I think it’s also about leaving baby-mama alone at the time when she most needs the help. And you (figurative you, I’m not assuming that you specifically have done this) can say you’re still going to help, be there, etc. but the feelings run so high that it gets in the way of that, and she’s extra alone at that time.

Did you grow up in 1909 coal country? I tried to sign my kid up to be a picker (person who sorts crush coal from rock by hand), but something something child labor laws. Thanks Obama.

I know people who are very explicitly planning their families so they don’t have more than one child in daycare at a time. Given their ages, this means quite a few of them are having one child instead of two or two children when their ideal family size was more like three.

I really love this post. I have felt for awhile that third wave feminism almost promoted casual sex, marketing it as a way for women to take control of their sexuality and be “equal” to men. This drove me nuts for all the reasons noted above.

I’ve had enough disappointing hookups to make me very wary of casual sex. It’s more depressing to have bad sex than no sex. This means I haven’t had sex in a year and a half. Thanks for reminding me! Not saying it’s all the guys’ fault, it takes two to tango, but some guys watch way too much porn (ie some things don’t


When you get involuntarily booted from a flight, you need to know your rights. AA and all airlines have every incentive to lower their involuntary bumps because the Department of Transportation will investigate if they see high numbers. That’s why gate agents are incentivized themselves to get you to be a voluntary


yeah, generally I think it’s not a big deal, but I can see where this woman would be upset or annoyed - they should have been up-front with her when she made the appointment. Or, like, the nice thing to do would be to say, “oh, man we messed up when we booked you. We don’t usually do women clients, but we’ll make an

I don’t really have have a problem with this. There are lots of places I wouldn’t go based on it being women’s services or sanctuary. It just seems awkward. Why not go somewhere else? This seems like more of a pick your battles kind of thing.

ok but

It’s confusing when 24 is somehow the ideal age to play both a 16 year old and a 40 year old.

I had no idea that her character was supposed to be older than Bradley Cooper’s. I did, however, think during the movie “Man, isn’t she a little young to have had some of these life experiences?”

I never noticed this in the past really until it started being pointed out more. Now I see a show like Wayward Pines and I’m like hold up...why is Shannyn Sossamon playing the mother of a teenager and wife to a 50 year old?

Thank you for using the story of a woman’s horrifying rape and murder to make a far-flung snarky comparison so you can insult some internet commenters you don’t like.

Sorry, I just want to say that if my boss started policing my every word and taking secret notes when I spoke, I might feel a little self conscious and less confident. I’m no expert, but I actually think that this might really undermine the women who have fought their way up to really difficult executive positions at

Yeah, aside from the rape scenes, which were serious business, that aspect of the flashback had my eyes rolling pretty hard. Like, I could suspend my belief enough to pretend that Manning was playing her teenage self, but not paired with a fucking Abercrombie model who was all about Her Pleasure*. I appreciate what

More realistic than Pennsatucky’s magical perfect teenage (?) boyfriend of respect and orgasms.

Check out the extra tips at the end: