
This is true, but if they had to write in a kid it’s kind of the best way to do it with a shared custody type arrangement where his absence isn’t as glaringly obvious. It becomes harder to excuse when two out of the six Friends share a baby.

So true. The Rachel baby plot regret was clear in later seasons of Friends when the writers just gave up and poor Emma was always “napping across the hall” as if leaving babies unattended in unlocked apartments is a normal thing that people do.

They should just reboot “Office Space” featuring the stapler as the main character. Where did it come from? Who purchased it? How did fall into Milton’s hands? Is it from this dimension? Must see TV.

Do you have a story to share?

I’m so glad that Neutral By Nature’s nihilist rap career never really took off.

Voluntarily going into a hot tub with someone does not mean you also consent to sex. The only time someone consents to sex is *when they consent to sex.*

Aww, leave her alone, you guys. I never in my wildest imaginings thought I would be a Lindsey Lohan apologist in my old age, but she had such a shitty childhood with those parents, and then no one to steer her in the right direction once she broke free. All she knew was the crap she’d had since she was little. If

I think the suggestion is that Tarantino was projecting his own feelings towards Thurman at that stage of the shoot, and that’s why he personally volunteered to spit at her instead of using another actor.

It’s just kind of creepy that he would WANT to be the person doing the assaulting rather than letting either the other actor or a stunt coordinator do it. It sounds like he was getting off on it.

I had to read this sentence about ten times to figure out what the hell it was saying.

A powerful and devastating story that deserved a much better writer than Maureen Dowd. I kept losing track at some points, I thought maybe it was just me. What a structural mess.

No doubt, this is more a reflection of Maureen Dowd’s poor writing, but I found the piece very confusing, with details that were jarring and unnecessary (her father thinks she’s a reincarnated buddhist goddess?), and lack of other details that would have been helpful. Like, Weinstein is a fucking monster, we know

I bet all those super liberal feminist women were the ones voting for Trump. Look, it is a useful statistic, but it gets a little ridiculous how often it gets pulled out as a trump card. My over 95% white town in rural New England voted 88% for Clinton, and the rest was split between Trump and Gary whatisname.

Exactly. That she *thinks* she needs it is possibly sadder than the fact that she has it.

Yeah but no one who is this young needs anything more than sunscreen and maybe some acne care.

I just don’t understand how someone that young could possibly need a 625$ skincare treatment.

The fact that Maddie Ziegler has a $629 skincare routine and I can barely afford my cheapo bottle of Biore face wash or whatever makes me sad.

Why would she bend over backwards to retain some worthless “spiritual advisor”? Those pieces of shit grow on trees. She couldn’t find some other fucking hack to email her a bible verse every morning?

I’m not sure of what “pose the question” means to you. The film does have the older character express that he doesn’t ever want the younger one to “regret” the relationship or feel that it “messed him up.” As for why the older character falls in love—the film has a lot of scenes of them talking, flirting,

It sounds like you haven’t even seen the film.