Lack of Name

If you read the history of the papacy, it becomes abundantly clear that for many centuries, it had nothing to do with being the holiest leader; rather, it was all about wielding power. The position of Pope was, for a loooooooong time, a great encapsulation of what can go wrong with organized religion. 

I assume the humor is more in the interactions and personalities of the characters than the overall situation.

The point of this feature is to review a Wikipedia article, not to do any separate research. As far as can be told from the Wikipedia piece, there were NO theological elements to the entire proceeding. All of the charges, countercharges, explanations and outcomes seem to have been driven by politics and Canon law.

[[citation needed]]

True, but if Disney is planning on taking all of them, leading with Iron Fist is like forming a new record label and announcing the least popular guys from N*Sync and 98 Degrees as your top artists. 

That’s pretty much what most “Grindhouse” movies were - they didn’t have a budget for multiple sets and set pieces, so for better or worse Death Proof accurately recreates the structure.

Yeah, they’re not thinking in terms of how good an actual film would be - they just wanna see all their action figures in the same box.

Ok but this whole argument is based on the assumption that the MCU is the only way to make these movies, and I disagree because frankly, aside GotG (which we probably won’t see any more of) it’s become far too homogeneous. They’ve all got the same tone and style. Many are perfectly good movies - but let’s not pretend

Eh. Competition is good for creativity. I don't want to see the MCU engulf every possible fucking marvel comic ever into its homogeneous cinematic series. Good movies are more important than fanboys seeing THIS character and THAT character meeting in a potential movie. 

I... don’t think that’s how moviegoing works. 

I think the idea that today’s 13-year-olds don’t have any access to entertainment that is as hardcore or scary as Labyrinth is perhaps a little naive.

Wikipedia says the budget is only (“only”) $100 million, so even if it kind of takes a bath it might not be enough to motivate Sony to relicense the rights back to Disney. And honestly, I’m fine with Disney not having all the Marvel characters: it gives more opportunities for out-of-the-box experiments that can result


“Wait, shouldn’t we explain why the soldiers are firing the wrong direction?”

I couldn’t even tell what the Dawnseeker was trying to accomplish the whole time. Was he looking for the keys to his ship that he can’t find in his pockets?

Someone help him please!

At the same time, she had just told him of her past best friend Abby using the same words: “And I hated her, and I will never forgive her, but she needed me and she was my best friend and I loved her.” In BoJack’s case, she omits the very last sentence, because she’s not ready to say it, and probably because she

I’m not going to defend BoJack in the slightest here - what he does to Gina is horrifying - but the most monstrous person in that scene is Flip as far as I’m concerned. He seems completely sober, and quite willing to stand by and keep filming as Gina gets choked out.

  • “Why do Los Angeles people think everyone understands your local references?”

I can easily see Todd’s story ending with him accidentally becoming president. Makes perfect sense, really.

White boxer shorts with hearts on them.