
I was teaching this subject only 5 years ago and it was still the same. I was surprised the first time by the amount of hate that these individuals display at just the start of the discussion. They do not even want to consider the possibility that discrimination exists even if I presented only economic models of how

Its amazing how many students don’t react well when you fail them. Saying they know lawyers, the mayor, or even the governor all seem to be the favorite go-to’s that they seem to think will earn an instant, “Weeeellll, let’s take another look at that grade then!” I’m not really sure what any of those people really

I once had one student approach another student before class about returning some books she had borrowed. The second student started screaming, “NOT NOW!!! DON’T TALK TO ME IN CLASS!” I had to run over, jump in between the two of them and physically stand between them with my arms apart and I had to yell, “STOP!” to

According to a quote in the article, private schools are exempt, it’s public schools that have no choice: “I, in a way, felt that public higher education was under assault, and then the campus carry bill came along and required us to allow people with concealed handgun permits to be inside of buildings and it excluded

As a grad student in one of the largest universities in the country, the most disturbing lecture I’ve ever attended was the information session about how to prepare for a school shooting. It was very clear that academia, and society as a whole, has decided to pass the social costs of unregulated gun ownership onto

I hope you’re right, because that might actually spell change for the law/university system.

Based solely on my anecdotal experience with first year students and their parents in another university system, however, I’m extremely skeptical that 2 and 2 will be put together before the inevitable death and lawsuit.

Sigh, this is what allowing society to be bullied by the impotent, unhinged ammo-maniacs has wraught.

I tried to explain what apartheid was in a lecture about music from South Africa, yesterday, and was followed to my office by an angry student who didn’t want to hear about “any #blacklivesmatter bullshit” in a course they were paying for.

I’d teach the class in Texas, but I probably wouldn’t survive the semester.

I used to teach a labor economics course that covered gender and race discrimination. To my surprise I found out that those topics are controversial. White male students did not want those topics discussed. At least once, I had a non-traditional age student following me to my office after discussing those topics in

This. It’s amazing how people buy into the work-wage-slavery nightmare of modern living. And no, that’s not hyperbole. How many people, *families*, out there have bought into the idea that corporations will suffer if women and men take parental leave, take the time to nurture and care, not only for their children but

Good. And, there are probably many more salons out there that need to compensate their workers retroactively.

I heard the bear lost 50 pounds and got waxed and will be in the next Woody Allen movie.

Given how long that awards show is and how little you can eat in order to fit into the outfits - the cookies better be real.

Lycos was very good. My favorite, though, was Northern Lights. So accurate, so promising, so selective, so fast. Sigh.

Haha! I thought you were replying to PyramidHat : as in YOU have a neighbor [who is] “marvelously comfy and never shows the dirt.” Please, send me one of THOSE in a padded envelope too :D

Jealous....? (I saw this at a cat show)

You just killed any thought I fooled myself with that I may still possess a shred of youth by admitting you had to look up Adam Ant.

There’s an American cosplayer who goes by the name of Pimp Vader who rocks the frock coats like nobody’s bizniz; here he is with his cosplay compatriot Boba Phat

Oh god. My mom sews. I grew up in the 1980s. You don’t want to know how many of these sofa-fabric vests she made me. I had one with teddy bears kinda like this:

The last time I wore a vest, it was the 1980s and, regrettably, my vest looked like this: