Nowhere does he say that.
Nowhere does he say that.
People have been asking “how could someone work with Woody Allen, knowing what they know” for years. Someone who’s actually done so relayed his thoughts on it, particularly because one of the big discussions of the moment is why the film industry so readily turns a blind eye to abuse. There’s worth there.
Huh. I don’t understand why people are being hard on him. All these A-listers continue to quietly work with Allen. I’ve never seen anybody say “Yeah I messed up by working with him.” I think it’s a very good step.
As much as I agree with so much of this, I can’t throw a like your way as you attack all of Eastern Europe for some reason. The o ly relevance it had was letting Denton pay lower salaries and help him keep money out of the U.S. for his inevitable lawsuit. Dude claims poverty while squirreling away money offshore.
Maher’s an ass who thought it would be hilarious to get some flyover cliche to act like a flyover cliche, for his amusement. After all Maher is so droll, so witty, so much better than the hicks and the college campus SJWs and the fat uggoes that populate America. He alone can see how silly it all is, how funny it is…
It’s an exciting new day for Pink Skull.
You think I didn’t post under another name on the AV Club?
Yo homie if you don’t like this porta-potty why you hanging out in it looking for a handjob?
Where do you live that this South Park joke from a recent season got repeated as much as people repeated Austin Powers lines? On the Internet?
We have always been at war with EastDisqus.
Well, I’d be impressed if the show featured pop culture references from the future.
Asking Trey Parker to be self-aware is like asking a horse to ride a skateboard. Neither will succeed and you’ll feel embarrassed for watching.
“’Member when the AV Club was good?”
This is a scorching take
Twist: she is Littlefinger—having killed him and taken his face on her first night back in Winterfell, but she has to keep up the illusion so she’s actually following herself and tricking herself. Who will come out-deceive the other? Arya, or Arya?
“You know one thing, Jon Snow.”
Danerys Targeryan doesn’t have time to fly a dragon halfway across Westros to save Jon before the White Walkers eat him but somehow she did it anyway.
Hey, do you guys mind if I store some of my stuff in the white space to my left? I’m between apartments and you guys seem to have just tons of room in here.