
This is like a very expensive adult version of my kid’s circuit building kit

It also always amazes me how people don’t think that if there were an even remotely successful therapy available, some pharma company would get it approved for actual use. Just look at the new Alzheimer’s drug, it really doesn’t seem to take much these days

Very much this! It’s very lucrative for the quacks to encourage distrust of traditional medicine and their “profit driven” medicine, while making quite healthy profits selling you stuff that doesn’t work

I’ve seen a few bad cases of neonatal group B strep sepsis, and it can be truly devastating. The antibiotics given during labor also don’t protect against late-onset sepsis, which accounts for something like a third of the cases. A GBS vaccine would be a really big deal - here’s a good perspective piece on it

I went to college in the days before venmo and other such things. A guy on our floor names Bob got around the problem of owing people money for stuff by creating his own currency, named BobMoney, which he printed on the dorm printers with his own picture on it. At first, BobMoney was somewhat redeemable for real

Having a discussion with anyone who references Atlas Shrugged is worse than trying to debate a toddler, because at least toddlers have an excuse for being assholes

I still can’t believe we’ve let these assholes create an alternate reality where the hero is the person who inconveniences thousands of others all to avoid a public health measure in the middle of a pandemic

I thought this would somehow be related to Lord of the Rings, but apparently they had a wizard before Ian McKellen made wizarding cool

They don’t use toilet paper down there

It’s really brave and artistic to mock people in one of the most marginalized group in this country as the right wingers state that they have no right to exist or use the bathroom.

Watch it turn out that this guy was trying to sell it to like Australia or some other friendly country

It’s called Florida, and of course it’s involved in this story

That’s what teeth and fingernails are for!

Why doesn’t mainstream media talk about what these children gained, which is freedoms. Now, won’t someone think of the children and repeal those child labor laws so that they can be free to help support themselves and their remaining families. 

Most of these idiots would probably shrug at a video of Abott getting up out of wheelchair and fucking their wife Hulk Hogan-style, so i can’t imagine what they’d find in there that would change some votes


Now would be a good time to remove his name from the children’s section of the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

The American College of OB/Gyn (ACOG) and the Society for Maternal and Fetal Medicine recommended them for pregnant women a few months ago, and I think have been saying that they’re safe and a good idea for much longer than that. Pregnant women with COVID have absolutely had terrible outcomes. The majority of my women

Yea I have to say the subscription is really worthwhile. I have 5 family members using it, and they allow multiple devices per person, so everyone has everything on their laptops, phones, etc. The 1 TB OneDrive per person is pretty great. I’m generally very irritated by the whole movement from one-time payment to

Understanding and critically evaluating a published clinical trial is really hard, even if there’s no fraud. Between med school, grad school, and post-grad training, I’ve read hundreds if not thousands of papers reporting clinical trials. I can pick up common problems in study design and various biases better than the