Yup. Believeing Dr. Ford just means you thinks it more likely, than not, that she's being honest. Sending Kavanaugh to prison means you believe he's guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's a huge difference.
Yup. Believeing Dr. Ford just means you thinks it more likely, than not, that she's being honest. Sending Kavanaugh to prison means you believe he's guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's a huge difference.
Honestly just making my own post to banish the trolls to the bottom of the comments section.
For the many, many trolls in this thread spewing “He has a right to face his accuser/his accuser should be forced to testify!”: unless the goddamn Senate Judiciary Committee is going to sentence Brett Kavanaugh to jail for lying under oath, this isn’t the forum for trying accusations. The proper venue for Kavanaugh…
“If she does not come on Monday, we are going to move on and vote on Wednesday,” Senator Lindsey Graham said on Fox News”
I know we all know this, but it’s worth repeating. It’s telling how as a society we are so quick to defend men and believe them and not question their side of the story. But women? Why now? Why didn’t she say something earlier? Isn’t the timing suspect? Even if it did happen it was 35 plus years ago.... she just…
Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others.
Re-watching clips of the Anita Hill testimony is a convincing argument for term or age limits to public office. Seeing Grassley, Orrin Hatch and co. talk down to her and realize they are in the same place of power almost 30 years later seems repugnant.
I’ve had a couple of conversations with men in the last year that basically boil down to me telling them over and over again that it’s not enough that they know that women face harassment and assault. They have to care. It has to bother them enough to take action. And to do that takes empathy, not just feeling it but…
That would require any one of them to understand what being powerless means.
Wait a second. Am I hearing an 84 year old man whining because everybody calls him “old”? I haven’t got the stomach (i.e., “I’m too old for this shit”) to listen to Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, but is that really the gist of it?
Hey, women! Come and listen. Internet dude’s telling you what you should have done.
Over the course of this interview, it becomes clear that MacArthur is disinterested the in the differences between sexual harassment and sexual assault, and seems uncomfortable when confronted with the details of each.
It’s going to be disgusting beyond words to watch 11 middle aged to elderly white males, including the likes of Grassley, Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, and Orrin Hatch sit there and pretend like they’re being fair and impartial towards this whole thing. When all they really want to do is say to Ford “Bitch please, you…
I don’t care if models collect a billion dollars a year in pay, because I don’t need to buy their products, the only place I ever see Kendal Jenner is here on this blog (maybe on the cover of magazines at cash registers?)
Health Insurance executives on the other hand can suck my balls for paying themselves 8 figures a…
How can we get him to go away? As far as I’m concerned he has no socially redeeming value, and I don’t ever need to hear about him.
Where’s the one with the names of the fans who’ve accused him of being a creep/abuser?
Right. It’s not women who are confused about the difference between harassment and assault. Most of us learn that first hand, at very young ages, a lesson which is repeated often enough so that there’s really no opportunity to forget.
He has not been erased. He can work. Can he walk across the street to another high-profile employer and take a job as a senior exec? No. Because his past behavior has shown that he does not have the judgment nor interpersonal skillset to handle that type of job. He is no longer qualified for the work he did before.
I wish all the black NFL players would do a one day strike right on a Sunday middle of game, as a protest. (let them rage)