
And yet absolutely nothing will come of this.

Until she shows up at a state dinner wearing something like this, I’m taking this story with a grain of salt.

I really like the article and am sorry to do this because someone will be an ass about an autocorrect; “Yet, none of this stopped the 53 percent of white women from voting for him while dawning pink pussy hats. But I digress.”

She never had a security clearance, nothing they’re talking about is classified, and DC is a one-party recording state/district. There is literally nothing illegal about those tapes unless she signed an NDA, and even that’s a straight and simple contract violation with civil penalties—which I am almost positive her

Remember when pop stars made music that didn’t all sound exactly like each other?

I think you misunderstood that comment. 19yos are not creating fashion. They are responding to fashion being created by fashion houses. 19yos are just choosing to wear nostalgia-inspired 90s stuff the same way I wore nostalgia-inspired 80s stuff when I was 19. I, too, looked stupid bc I was 19. 19yos are gonna do what

Yes, but the entire mindset behind the “ugly fashion” trend that eastern European designers like Vetements are doing is that it’s ugly and funny because it looks like something you would find at a Goodwill but really set you back at least $1,000.00. It’s not like Rei Kawakubo’s designs where it’s ugly because it’s

Hello I am a blandly symmetrical blonde verbalizing your fears. Please allow your sexual frustrations to intertwine with your xenophobia until I have all your money.

I can’t believe this shit has become so mainstream. The whole demographic thing has been a thing for evangelicals a long time- especially those encouraging women to have tons of babies. But I can’t believe someone on a heavily watched tv show is literally saying that America is getting worse because it isn’t as white.

Every text of Sparano’s is the kind of text someone sends when they want to avoid someone. Richie needs to learn how to take a hint. 

We ALL know that if is taken over, it will actually be taken over by Sexy Carp Babes

I respectfully disagree.

As long as she doesn’t start publicly stumping for bogus right wing agitprop like “religious freedom” because these phony, duplicitous assholes were nice to her in private, I don’t think there’s anything inherently dangerous about her being the Boxer the horse of trans activism.

It’s almost like Greaves and Randazza have the same free speech principles, and aren’t willing to abandon them in the face of speakers they disagree with.

Baby be like...I smell bullshit and it ain’t from my nappy.

Imagine being these people and thinking this is worthy of your time and effort when your school employed people who kept the sexual assault of literally 100 students secret. Imagine thinking this was important enough to make a statement about.

I don’t know either of these people, but I think they’re both beautiful and cool-looking. 

Similarly, something else that gets on my nerves is when a friend and I plan to meet for lunch or something, and then he’ll invite one or two of HIS friends to come. Yeah, he’ll ask me if it’s ok, but I feel like a dick if I say no. From there, I’m kinda third- or fourth-wheeled. Really annoying..

A better way of phasing it would be to say that Yetts and Disabato may be assholes, but as possible victims of sexual abuse, they deserve to have their stories heard. 

Yeah, so if you’ve been following this, there is many, many more people alleging stuff. So your bullshit about painting a false picture can go straight to hell.