“celebrity bodies...” “celebs are editing and staging their own photos...”
“celebrity bodies...” “celebs are editing and staging their own photos...”
I’ll tell the truth: I’ve always wanted to have one professional photo done that was ruthlessly, shamelessly altered until I look like what I always thought I should, given some fantasy genetic redo, torturous workout routine, professional makeup, etc. Just to have it in some form, you know?
Wow that Celebface feed is really gross. The anonymous posting of “real girls” in particular isn’t creepy and fucked up at all! Tell me how it’s not pure misogyny to comment that the Queen of England needs concealer on a close up of her face. She’s 92 fucking years old.
So, I recently followed this account because I heard from friends that it was so great and refreshing, blah blah etc. But I couldn’t get into it, mostly because most of the side-by-side photos don’t look that different. Like ok, you can see Gigi Hadid’s pores in the non-airbrushed version, but she still looks like a…
This feels very close to body shaming. And yes, I realize that Photoshop etc is worse but I’m not comfortable with the way women are dissected by this account.
I think it’s important to show what is and isn’t real, but not in an “omg she’s a total uggo” way, but more in a “let’s celebrate actual bodies, people and achievements ” way. Otherwise as you say, it’s just destructive.
Misogyny as empowerment. There’s such an overarching tone of woman-hating from most these sites. If an actress posts pre-retouch pictures of herself that’s one thing, but these sites read “no look, she really is ugly! she really is fat! she didn’t grow those boobs!” That shouldn’t make you feel better about yourself,…
Hmm, this year’s crop of white tears is exceptional.
It’s as if we, as a society, decided to judge him on the content of his character. It just so happens his character is complete shit. Fortunately, that can be changed, unlike skin color.
“I just don’t understand the intensity of the hate,” he said.
“So there I was, minding my own business, when ALL OF A SUDDEN, I’m following a black guy for two miles and calling him racial slurs.”
It’s unreal how he’s completely incapable of recognizing, much less accepting, personal responsibility for anything. It’s all passive voice and third person, like this was a meteor that crashed into his house instead of the culmination of a series of events he did entirely of his own volition. It’s insane.
The “mistake” part is what gets me with all these assholes. You made a conscious decision to do several really stupid and/or shitty things. Things that wouldn’t even occur to most people as being options. It even took extra effort on your part to accomplish them all. There was no mistake. You just didn’t expect any…
I dated a girl freshman year who literally carried a picture of George W. Bush in her wallet. I was an anarcho-syndicalist at the time. Not sure what made me think that was going to work....
I fully concur. First, I call bullshit on her 119 lbs. claim. During a very unhealthy period of my life, I was 5'2 and 115 lbs. I literally looked like a skelaton and had no boobs or butt, contrary to Kim. My doctor was concerned and flat out told me to gain at least 10 lbs. I had to drink those Ensure drinks in additi…
“I’m out of business, I’m completely out, I’m done, I’ll never work in Columbus again,” he added. “This has completely and thoroughly ruined my life.”
“I just don’t understand the intensity of the hate,” he said.
Let me fix this for you:
The Kardashians are problematic on every single level. I’ll never understand how they got warped into being anything other than problematic for women.
And that person is me.