
I was just telling my coworker this morning about a woman I dated for a few months who, near the end of our blessedly brief relationship, held me down and forcibly licked my eyeballs.


shout it from the fucking rooftops

Im with you, though I never got the “Omg everyone needs to worship her” thing to begin with.

You guys... something is wrong with me... I am not feeling well and suddenly feel really burned out on Beyonce anything.

From that Kim K Celebitchy link:

We had a black president before we had a black photographer shoot a cover image for Vogue. This is insane.

It’s good to keep things particular, especially when one case or one issue is right in front of you, but this idea can be broadened out pretty easily to, Gotta get woke to your own privilege. And privilege comes in so many different areas that that seems like an impossible task lots of the time.

#Metoo won’t truly succeed until men stop being surprised. Men rarely “see” the side of other men that brings them to inflict sexual violence (except in frat houses and the occasional workplace) because our sexuality often operates at a totally different level than every other part of ourselves. It’s raw, it’s

Here’s a rule of thumb: when in doubt blame the airline, because airlines inevitably are at fault for something somewhere. In conclusion, I hate you air travel corporations.

I’ve worked with people from Zimbabwe. I probably DO want their uncles here. Seriously, asshole, most of the Africans that come to this country work their everloving asses off, go to church, get educated, and raise great kids. 

Shit like this is why I sometimes question my sanity. Like none of this can or should be real life, yet....”

I care so little about Tom Brady/the Patriots/football that I don’t even know what Gisele looks like, but I take your word for it. And also, yes, I hate Kushner and the whole gross family/government far more than Brady. That said, if I have to hear the phrase “deflate-gate” ONE MORE TIME I am going to SNAP. 

A Virginia GOP candidate who campaigned with white supremacists is allegedly a “devotee of Bigfoot erotica,” according to running Democratic candidate Leslie Cockburn.

(500) Days of Summer was so spot-on in that guys who chase Manic Pixie Dream Girls are the kind of people who misinterpreted the ending of The Graduate.

I just wanted to say I hate Tom Brady. This statement is not often met kindly living in New England, so it’s cathartic to express it here.

This is the one of the stranger delusions for Trump to articulate. There is no way that his daughter was ever going to MARRY Tom Brady. As someone pointed out upthread - the timelines don’t really line up. Also - Brady could have the pick of basically any woman, literally in the world. There is no way he was settling

It’s weird that the skipped trip narrative is being entirely rewritten now to accomodate a nonexistent relationship, when the consensus at the time was that TB skipped to spend time with his mother, who was recovering from cancer at the time.