
A two-for-one deal, if you will. Also, maybe she should go back and re-read that part in the Bible where Jesus said to first take the rod out of your own eye before trying to get the mote out of your neighbor´s eye; because for someone belly-aching about literacy, her and her husband’s statements are barely

Also, I don´t think that US Weekly gave a very accurate translation. In this context, I think it should be something more like “vengeance complete” or “vengeance consummated,” if you still want to be more literal. Consumare (the infinitive form that consumata comes from) does indeed mean to consume something, but it

Well, isn’t Paris Dennard also unemployed at the moment? I’m sure he’d be happy to step in. 

Thank you. I appreciate you saying this and all efforts to get other men to stand up and support women, too. It comes down to basic human dignity and women are never going to be equal until our fellow men also demand that we be treated as such. 

Sounds like maybe he’s mistreated some women and is worried about it coming back to bite him in the ass. 

Guaranteed if he gets shit-canned he will also blame the girls and the “feminazis” for his plight and then, with zero sense of irony whatsoever, transition into further rantings about “personal responsibility.”

Yep. They treat it like it´s a fucking game. I´m not upset because I simply dislike Trump. I´m upset because real, actual people are going to be irrevocably hurt because of him and his administration. And I cannot fucking stand the fucking shit-for-brains who just wanted to “shake things up” and that Trump will

Good for you. And I feel you. I relapsed hard in my eating disorder and lost over 30 pounds and ended up in the hospital within months. Obviously, there are/were other things, but it just made everything that much worse and put everything over the top to where I could not cope at all. I think he has really exacerbated

My immediate thought, too... Hasn’t she basically serially neglected all of her children as she moved on to whatever “new” stage of her life/family? Fuck, didn’t she not even go to one of her son’s weddings recently?

I´m flat-chested but whole-heartedly join you in the fact that those dresses are fug. I don´t think anyone who is not a three-year-old matching her dolly should be wearing that dress.

Guessing an accident produced by autocorrect, since Rangle is a surname?


I´m not holding my breath for them to get it. How long ago was the original Catholic Church scandal? If that didn’t clue people in to how long it can take child victims, in particular, to come forward, I don´t know what will. And since then, it´s been one scandal after another. These people don’t care and it’s on

Because I was only 4 and I didn’t even know what was happening to me or that it was wrong until I was 8. But then I was too afraid to say anything to anyone because I feared it would also come out that my parents were physically abusing us, and I was afraid of getting them in trouble or losing my whole family. I did

Seriously, that’s literally like a pee and you’d be down that pound.

I´m not on twitter, but one of my professors in college was named Adam West; could be him or any other of the non-batman Adam Wests out there. 

I know you´ve been told it´s from Clueless, but for real, you need to see it. One of my all-time favorite movies, ever. So quotable.

This is a super important observation. I am a child sex abuse survivor and it is true, trauma like that has a tendency to carve out parts of your brain/soul and leave survivors arrested in time. I have pretty bad cPTSD and some of the therapy work I’ve done is based on the Internal Family System model (IFS) and

Yes, I’m never offended if people ask! And I’m not even offended if they don’t ask and get it wrong (it’s just an honest mistake, usually). Or they ask and they still can’t do it (my name’s hard). The only thing that bothers me is the people who are like, ‘Oh no, that’s too hard, I’m going to call you X.’ Umm??? You