
Oh, it’s so good when you get someone who knows! You absolutely do just instantly like them, even though you don’t know them at all and they could be horrible. They got your name; they are alright. 

Right? Also, ummmmmmmmmmm, how the fuck does a quote like that get printed? What the fuck. I knew prep schools were god awful, but jesus christ. 

Holy shit.

Same, omg. I actually let a teacher call me my sister’s name for over a year. And he was pronouncing her’s wrong, too! So it was just wrong in so many ways! I was so embarrassed when he called me the wrong name in front of his daughter, who was a year older than me and she gave him the

I think that was how the letter was redacted by Feinstein. The other guy’s last name is Judge (I think his first name is Mike or something, but can’t remember for certain). 

I read that a lot of white supremacist groups have long been strategically “infiltrating” police forces and school boards and local governments (not so local, recently) as a way to advance their causes and influence these areas of civil life. I think it’s pretty obvious that they’ve been really successful in that

What happened to #3? 🤔

You just wrote the exact comment I was thinking of while reading this. Have we learned nothing? For fuck’s sake, just from the Catholic priest scandal alone! Who is considered more of an upstanding citizen than a fucking “man of the cloth”? In fact, building such a reputation is a key facet of these types of predators

This is worse than the one where people weren’t washing their feet or whatever. Like, I can kind of see how you think you’re getting a good enough wash from the run-off. But, this is straight up gross. Like, I get people who hate flossing and don’t but not even brushing? It takes two minutes....

It’s like, have fun being “in complete control” of your big, fat dental bills down the line!

I want to give you a hug for this comment. Those types of comments are super triggering, because I deal with a lot of self-blame for one of my rapes, too. Because afterwards, of course you think about all of the what-ifs that might have changed the outcome and you could have gotten away safely. Especially when it was

Eh, I don’t have a problem with CK doing this campaign. After all, he has been blacklisted and not working, so why not use the opportunity to make some good money doing relatively little work? Then he can spend the rest of his time (and money, since he has made some sizable donations) focused on the advocacy work he

Nintendo golf

It’s really infuriating, also, that he thinks that their victims only suffered for the finite time in which these shitheads were actively inflicting their respective abuses. Like, Louis CK and Roseanne are suffering on-going pain and suffering, but being sexually assaulted or experiencing racism is like turning a

Absolutely. There are so many layers to how fucked up what they did was. First for denying Erika Davis justice, then for allowing Nassar to continue to sexually abuse 100s of more women and girls for decades more and lastly, while not nearly as serious but still fucked up, firing the one person trying to do the right

For real? Ugh. 

Lucille would win, hands down. I love Emily, too, but let’s be real

An hideous rip off of Loewe’s animal bags (they have elephants, bunnies, bears, etc) 

This might be my favorite post ever. Just delightful! 

I don’t know how I feel that “true neutral” is a hot dog...