
I mean, no doubt he is delusional and a coward. And a fucking prideful idiot, from all indications. 

I am not surprised he is filing this suit at all. Roy Moore is a fucking grifter. I’m sure he was excited by the thought of trying to squeeze a large company like Showtime. No, he’s only filing this suit in the hopes that they will want to settle quickly and not bother with him. Then he can rake in his tidy sum of

Haha, that’s true! But if I’m right about Moore’s number, I’ll bet he is really only bringing forward this suit in the hopes that Showtime et al will settle and he can bring in a tidy sum. He is nothing if not a grifter at heart. If they don’t agree to settle, you can be quite sure he’ll move to quietly drop the case

Exactly. No work is shameful unless you are harming or taking advantage of other people. I hate the inclination to treat less “prestigious” jobs as somehow shameful. I think part of the problem is that we too often equate who we are as people to our jobs here in the US (how often do people introduce themselves as

They should do a special Paris Fashion Week Sims expansion pack (do they still do those?). It would be great, because you could have one of these models with the villain personality just burn the whole thing down. And another that wants to be famous just not leave the end of the runway and piss all the others off. And

Yup. I think it is ridiculous to outright ban all cats. But I think having a mandate that all cats be indoor-only is perfectly fine.

I think one of the most frustrating things is he’s so wrapped up in the idea of himself as a “genius” that he believes he’s so far above everyone else and they can’t get on his level of thinking. What he doesn’t realize that he’s transparent as fuck and not using any logical or critical thinking, if he’s putting any

Exactly, and he’s surrounded by enablers. Although, I’m pretty sure he would just cut out anyone who tried to give him some real, tough love, so I guess that’s that.

The sad part is she was probably relieved and happy to not have to meet with your university. I mean, I think you did the right thing, but she seems like the laziest piece of shit and content to just show up for the absolute bare minimum. And she’s shameless.

I’m so sick of Kanye and people like him who have all the resources in the world, but don’t do anything productive with it. Like, I want to sympathize with his mental health struggles, but he does not seem to be doing much to get help. I know he was hospitalized a year ago, but what has he been doing in the meantime


Yup, tummies are for small children and fluffy kitties.

Oh, I don’t think Pippi is an ethnic-reference for most Swedes, but if you are a little redhead girl who happens to be Swedish, yes. My blonde sister did not get this. I feel like it is probably similar to calling little girls with a short, bouncy-curl bob Shirley Temple. But in my case, this would only happen to me

Oh man, please do not compare Pippi to Trump, even slightly! She would hate it so, so much and you know it!

It really does make you wonder about the sort of people they have in these title IX positions at some of these schools, considering how important and sensitive of a role they play.

This is exactly what I want from Bernie. 

Omg, how do people not understand this? Also, I notice that the people most likely to take this stupid all-or-nothing position tend to be white men, aka the only people who have the least to lose and be afraid of. It pisses me off. Like, for other people this shit isn’t hypothetical and it actually matters that there

Yes, I love Wayne! He’s the type where if I were actually looking for a makeup artists, I would book him. I’ve only had my makeup done for my wedding and my best friend’s wedding. My friend got married first and the experience was really bad and I felt so uncomfortable because my makeup was too much for my tastes. But

Yes, she looked so beautiful! 

Ugh, yep. There is a lot of crap.