
I am so happy to see this! I remember demoing Sonic while here as a child. My nostalgia meter is off the charts right now!

I love videos like this about Japan. Can anyone suggest a youtube channel that dives into cultures like these for Japan specifically? I’m learning a lot about the country but the resources I find are very broad spectrum.

I’ve got to say, seeing that same old inventory system made my head hurt, too.

I totally thought it was free to play. Apparently kotaku received an inaccurate tip that it would be 7 months ago and reported on it. I wouldn’t play it even if it was, and I have no idea why. I know it’s supposed to be good!

Why is it that Battleborn, a “good” game that wasn’t an Overwatch rip, couldn’t sell or get support now that it’s free, but an ACTUAL Overwatch rip is doing well?

I enjoyed the article!

This screams Black Mirror.

This screams Black Mirror.

Why can’t I get myself to play Titan Fall 2? I know it’s amazing from a multitude of articles about it, but it’s just not interesting to me. :(

Bernie was FOR women and people of color, more so than Hillary! Hillary was over the top rude to the BLM protesters during her campaign.

It’s a broken system. As soon as you subscribe to the DNC, you have to play by their rules. Besides, they already had their trophy horse.

How do people gloss over this? He fought a clean fight, and people still berate him. The DNC tried to literally shovel dirt on his campaign, and hid it, got caught, and it’s still his fault?

I know it’s very much polarizing, but even the ending had me interested. I can’t tell if I can’t stop thinking about it because I liked it, or if it was just so got damn weird that my mind is stuck in a logic loop or something. I watched Gantz:0 on Netflix, and it was good, but not nearly as good as the manga.

Man, Gantz is bizarre. I just finished it about two months ago, and I can’t help but go back and reexamine some of the panels. I didn’t know what a butter dog was until that manga, and I wish I didn’t still.

I’m an idiot and chose two weeks ago to start the Witcher 3 for the first time. Ugh.

Are these games completely linear? I know that worked for Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, but footage I’ve seen since then for 3D Sonic games make it seem like there is still only one path to take in most situations. That worked in the past, but I’m not sure it does any more

I’m going to say most Trump supporters wouldn’t travel outside their small bubble for ANY reason. I’ve met people who refuse to leave the small town they live in for anything at all.

I guess saying raids would not be accurate. Between the same strikes with modifiers, guns getting a “year 2" version, PoE, etc, the game is just in a cycle of re-purposing content.

Jesus, how many times will they rehash content? It’s ridiculous at this point. I feel like they’ve released every raid 2x at this point.

I love to read these articles!