
Legitimate pressing questions that the he refuses to answer because the interviewer works for a “fake” news site.

For some strange reason, I first saw this screenshot and thought the man in the hat was in the game.

It’s still crazy how soon this thing comes out, considering how little we know. I know someone wrote a piece on Kotaku about it, but we’re still in the dark!

So this is more of a local multiplayer story, but my friend and I had just gotten Monster Hunter 3 and were at Anime Central in Chicago. We were waiting in line to get into some stupid hentai panel, because reasons. We were trying to fight one of the later monsters we were struggling with on our 3DS, and someone with

So this is going to be received poorly, but that’s okay.

The communication is no where near as bad No Man’s Sky, but I’m seeing flashes of the same situation. Why the fuck did they hype it, only to lose all the user base in a few weeks? Especially right when the plus hardware came into stock!

I would have such immense anxiety knowing I completed such a small percentage!

I preordered FFXV, waited to read the Kotaku review, and then waited some more with the hope that some of the flaws would be revisited. I am glad I did, and I’m glad they’re fixing problems reported by the community!

I’ve always assumed death would be much like pre-birth, which we cannot recall any of. An infinite black. That sounds terrifying, but when you contemplate life’s stresses and problems, it isn’t the worst thing in the world. You get to release your anxiety and the galaxy has to pick up the tab!

Tic Tac Toe is a derivative of war tactics. Source: Me

Reading the first few paragraphs of this reminded me of a time when I was a dick head to a female friend. I was at lunch sitting at a table of 4 guys and one girl, and I was going on a real long and stupid rant about how a woman would never be president, because they were a woman and the notion was too far fetched.

Just wanted to say thank you for posting these. I watched them all front to back and now I’m definitely buying the game.

Are you from Peoria?

I’m here to say that the new office is great.

I love the cuts between time you wove into the review. All too familiar as I age. I have my first born on the way in January and I hope I can finish this before she shows up!

I see a large inspiration being drawn from One Piece / One Punch in the animation / wackiness. Not saying that’s a bad thing, it’s just not the animation quality I would expect from a Nintendo IP.

I really don’t see the story here. I’m sure many employers have written similar, or much worse letters to their employees regarding the horrible HR nightmare that is this election.

Imagine releasing an unfinished indie game, that’d make you go into silence for months also!

Valve and Blizzard are excited to announce: Half Life 3: Sombra

Man, underwhelming but only due to poor timing. /: