I need to see some games, and to see how cooling will work. I’m very interested, but it’ll have to come in at a lower price point considering they’re not taking the more technically demanding VR route.
I need to see some games, and to see how cooling will work. I’m very interested, but it’ll have to come in at a lower price point considering they’re not taking the more technically demanding VR route.
Wowie AND zowie
I am of this opinion also. I just think it’s an ugly evolution. Rowlett’s is such a cool ass Robin hood thing, who could resist?!
You know, if Rose didn’t know what consent was while all of this was happening, how can he make any argument that he knew he had it at the time?
I was on team Popplio but I’d like off this ride now. That final evo is TRASH.
This is a comment from someone who has probably never played CounterStrike GO
Punch Out! and the original Zelda weren’t easy! I still haven’t beat Punch Out! :(
Twitch reactions would lead some players to believe it’s a grenade, since flash bangs are so common. He probably thought, “Oh shit, I need to look away before I go blind.”
I am so happy to see this happening.
So are you a rapist, or a gang member? Because you’re one or the other. That’s what’s been implied by Trump himself.
Also, I would imagine 4chan was already alerted to this article being posted, which will be great for ad revenue, but awful for the comment section.
The gaming community seems to be a strong group of Trump supporters. It’s fucking gross.
I would look past those ads to see something like this, totally worth it! I just with the outrageous price to go to NBA games would drop since they’re getting so much in advertising revenue
Unfortunately, if the NBA implemented this, the floor would be covered in Pepsi logos and season ticket advertisements. I believe this year they approved jerseys with sponsors on the front of them.
Hey I want you know that’s cool as fuck
Where do you put the weed?
Where do you put the weed?
What about annual sports titles? They never seem to improve much outside a few “key” features, amounting often to glorified roster updates with a new hefty price. Other than sports though, I hear you though. It’s a long arduous process that we only see the little bit of developers show us.
This article speaks to me. Time limits are the bane of my existence, in real life and otherwise.
Mike, can I paypal you $5.00 to say my name out loud in a YouTube video?