
Why isn’t there an article about me, the straight white guy who wears Levis andkicks your butt in FIFA?

As somebody who spent $60 dollars for the initial release, it angers me that they want me spend another $60 dollars to get the game that they promised the first time around.

The Grand Finals was a joke and a poor way to close the night out. The commentators saved the set for the viewers though as Zack and Lima goofed around during and in between matches.

Witch time isn't what's bad about Bayonetta, but her bullshit, near unescapable aerial combos that can very quickly make you eat shit with very low damage.

No. I meant it more as a negative. If you want to play this game beyond the first few hours you will probably need to spend some money. So I was warning people.

Nope! I just really enjoy the game and pitched the idea of writing about it.

Why? It’s an optional mode.

The thing about owning your business is, you make your own hours. Translation: all your hours are business hours (at least for the first few years).

What? All I meant was that there was no physical component to it.

If the new CEO honestly expects $900billion in smart phone sales, the only way to even make the attempt involves shifting company resources and direction.

Well, doesn’t that just make your skin crawl.

At some point a discussion needs to be had about whether continuing to cover Kanye’s opinions/tantrums/nervous breakdown is responsible. If one thinks that he is just being politically provocative then yes it is but if he’s in the middle of a manic phase or in the throes of some other mental illness or cognitive

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

Dang that’s rough. This level of composure always blows my mind, how someone can talk about their eminent leaving of this world in such a matter-of-fact way, and continue to focus on their profession.

You getting ahead of the game, we don’t know what they will be presenting and I’m sure Smash is not the only worthwhile thing.

Halo Online, a mod that uses code directly from halo 3 and the russian halo online, was taken down? I’m shocked, shocked i tell you!

Oh absolutely, I tried playing Splatoon 2 exactly one time with a friend and it was a total nightmare. I sat by and waited for two games before I was able to join the same game as him and then it immediately kicked us both out for network issues and we had to start over. When we did get to play in the same game, half

In a game about fighting endless hordes of aliens, bungee plans to rekindle excitement in its player base by adding a mode that has you fighting off hordes of aliens.

Haha, I remember something similar happening to me in a konbini in Kyoto. I ran into two women in their mid/late 20s from either America or Canada who were arguing really loudly over what kind of soft drink they should buy, and one of them said something like “I don’t want to end up with fucking fish soda” which the