Stranger in the Alps

He’s every bit as much a victim of Adora’s manipulation and toxicity as the girls. He displays classic characteristics of a spouse of a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is incapable of doing anything because if he does, he becomes the biggest threat to, and therefore target of, Adora.

Nah, that’s NPD.  It allows her to play the victim and shame her scapegoat daughter.

Exactly. While I get people’s insistence that Alan is shady, I think it’s more in keeping with what we have seen that he has been completely beaten down by the toxicity of Adora. She clearly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (she views her children as an extension of herself, she plays them off of each other,

Dude’s an asshole, but “ain’t” is indeed a proper contraction of “am not”.

In the interview, Jillette says unequivocally that, yes, Trump did use the N-word. The write-up here seems designed to give the wrong impression.

You should read the interview.  Among other things, he explains that while he thinks it’s important to include libertarian views on discussion, he absolutely would not want to live under a libertarian government.  That’s not me parsing - that’s what he said.

You got your Saints mixed up.  3rd St is in Saint *Peter*, not Saint *Paul*.

The next bad knock-off carbonated beverage company that got its big break due to the brand it was knocking off not wanting/being allowed to do business in the country the former was based in because of the fascist, warmongering government running that country?  Good question.

Fargo managed it with Mr. Wrench ...

I read that as Marty Friedman, the former Megadeth lead guitarist. And I was very much down for that.

That certainly does put the RIP in a different light - less a sign of condolences and respect, and more a sign of murderous intent.

Here in the Twin Cities, our grocery stores carry Holy Land hummus, and it is goddamned awesome - especially the garlicky hummus. I will fight anyone who disagrees.

Arrr, ‘tis no man. ‘Tis a remorseless eatin’ machine.

Properly set up, an inheritance tax acts as an incentive for the rich to spend their money while they’re still alive, divide up their estate to more inheritors, and make larger philanthropic donations. Its primary function is not to raise funds, but to prevent the entrenchment of a permanent aristocratic class.

“So, the scene in TFA about a ship abandoning Rey as a child was another red herring?”

I have nothing to add, but I want this parent post to be more popular.

If it is your opinion that Social Democracy is not a form of socialism, then I trust you aren’t the type of person who denounces any attempt to curb economic inequality within the capitalist framework “socialism”, like the right in the US does - for example, whenever universal free health care is brought up.

“... if someone isn’t committing a crime, ‘well, that’s your life, and you go live it.’”

“.. that, therefore, ‘we can work with’ Louis CK and Al Franken”

If we could trust people to do their civic duty, Trump wouldn’t have won, Neil Gorsuch wouldn’t be on the court, Roy Moore would never have sniffed elected office, and Bush wouldn’t have gotten re-elected.