Stranger in the Alps

AND the Democrats have one more seat to defend in 2018, when they already have an unfriendly slate.

Where’s the option for “let the ethics process run its course”?

“Under my scenario a Democratic Minnesota Governor will be allowed to choose the person to fill his seat (probably a democrat). They will be given three years to vote for the same things Franken would have voted for, and in that time to establish themselves for a reelection bid in 2020.”

True, but the appointment will only be until the general election, so if this happens, it’s one more seat for the Democrats to defend in an already unfriendly off-year election.

“Short of video evidence ...”

I apologize in advance for saying this, but you meant “populace”, not “populous”.

“If Tarantino does direct, this would be one of the first times that he has ever directed something that wasn’t his original idea, with the others being a few episodes of CSI and ER.”

“Colbert is great but he has some weird fascination with disgraced Trump associates who everyone else wants to forget about.”

This doesn’t make them go away. It makes them sit on the ground. The thing that makes it insidious is that it’s done “Rather than seek systemic solutions to the problem or provide adequate shelters.” And it means that “legitimate” users don’t have the option to be comfortable. I don’t know a better word, other than

A great example of Poe’s law in action.

No, just no. They don’t get to be genitalia. They are pieces of shit. That’s enough.

Trade Trump for Trudeau? ACA for universal health care? Imagine Dragons for The Tragically Hip? I’m in.

It pisses me off that we use the word “evangelical” for these fuck-wits. I’m an ELCA Lutheran - the “E” stands for “evangelical”. What these dumb shits are is “fundamentalists”, not “evangelicals”.

“Reynolds” sounds plural to me!

The property tax as a local funding source is an excellent way to make sure that the wealthy pay less of their income in taxes while also ensuring that the poor end up with worse public services.

The highs of Reality are pretty damned high, but there’s so ... much ... filler ... To me, it’s got six tracks worth listening to, and the rest is insta-skipped. Truth and Soul, on the other hand, is top rate from opening to close. Nothing to skip. Nothing wasted. And the highs are every bit as high.

But Aristotle was so very wrong about so very many other things, it’s probably for the best to not invoke his name.

And dicks. So, so many dicks.