Stranger in the Alps

You would like this to be true, to give you absolution, but deep down you know it’s not.

It’s normal to tip. Maybe the tipping just isn’t transparent to you? It’s usually not done as a separate part of the interaction.

Then walk to the stands and get it yourself.

I wouldn’t even pay $12 for a case of Bud Light.

Once again, it’ll be the same group of people who watch Goodfellas and think, “Man, it’d be great to be in the Mafia.”

Your taxes $$$ the last few years have only bought a yearly case or two of over-priced pens & pencils for the Pentagon & Dept. of Energy, nothing more. The Dept. of Education has had it’s budget stripped ie Federal, State, & Municipal Governments now make Teachers buy school supplies out of their own pocket. As for

Did you see the movie all the way to the end? Because what you think in glorified in that movie is not. It’s not even subtle about it. Bill Foster was the bad guy. He was bad from the moment we meet him. He starts off looking like the hero, but it doesn’t take long for the movie to make clear that he is a damaged

A lot of them are already in the TRARHOF too.

Not known for it? Superstition’s arguably his most famous song. 

That is one broad definition of rock then.

I’m half-Jewish and I think I’d be willing to forgive someone who admitted they had violently anti-Semitic desires in the past.

Stevie Wonder’s absolutely got some funk rock in his background. 

As much as I’d like to agree with Miss Jackson (cuz I’m nasty), it’s simply not realistic. 60's rock music is like 90% men. 70's rock music is like 80% men (thank lady God for disco!). 80's rock music is like 80% men. 90's rock music is like 99% men.

Was Jackson the sole female inductee this year? I thought Stevie Nicks was also getting inducted for her solo career.

If you were a true Roxy Music fan love would be your drug, not Natural Light.

Radiohead has gotta be the most boring thing, ever.

I don’t think it’s even that he’s grown or what have you - he recognized almost immediately that his rage had turned him into something terrible that he didn’t recognize. In the original interview he was talking about accessing that rage as motivation for his character.

I am black and did not really got mad at what he said because , I have heard black people say similar things after watching Django and Birth of a Nation and any other movie about civil rights ans slavery and people have fucked up thought sometimes when processing anger when being victims or having family members being

I really wish people didn’t have to make multiple apologies for committing the heinous sin of having human frailties resulting in thought crimes 40 fucking years ago.

I appreciate he didn’t say “if anyone found my comments hurtful and divisive. I profoundly apologize.” but instead stated that they were indeed hurtful and divisive, no question about it. It’s not at all up to me to accept his apology, but I am glad he made this statement.