Stranger in the Alps

He was photographed MIMING a honk while mugging for the camera. It’s sophomoric, and potentially embarassing, but it’s not assault.

“(there’s no such thing as a blues guitar)“

1) Jackie Brown

The main argument against the wall - that it’s a pointless waste that can easily be circumvented by advanced technologies like the ladder and the shovel, or by complex strategies like the “overstaying ones visa” technique - is exactly why I can’t bring myself to get worked up about it. Let the GOP spend their time and

No, not even that works. The governor would have to reschedule the election, then he could withdraw and a replacement candidate be chosen. Which would just piss off the Moore “pederasty is next to godliness” crowd even more.

Why is it that whenever I read something like this, someone has to start with the onion chopping?

Saga is an outstanding beer. Highly recommended if you can get Summit beers where you live.

I certainly hope you’re not suggesting that your subjective opinion will always trump the facts that we have about these specific actors’ voices and agency, which do not appear to have been abused on-set.

This American not only knows about them - I was at that concert. It was absolutely incredible. Gord had some problems switching around lyrics (“A million arts of work” in “Scared”, for example), but even when he did, it was somehow fitting. The band was locked in, and the crowd was unlike any crowd I’ve ever been a

There was a time when men weren’t sexually aggressive?

Maine isn’t adjacent to Massachusetts - the only state it borders is New Hampshire. But it was a part of Massachusetts until it broke off in 1820 as part of the Missouri compromise.

Speaking up just furthers their hypocrisy. If they don’t want to be hypocrites, they need to *act*, not just speak up.

When Donald Trump isn’t racist enough for you ...

They all did it. But if you wanna know who killed the Night King, I did. In Harrenhall. With Longclaw.

They did change the credits for Dexter once - to great effect, I thought. The credits for the first episode of season four show the same basic sequence of events, but off. He misses the mosquito, his white shirt has kid schmutz on it, his shoelace breaks - all demonstrating how hard it is to keep a routine as a

Decriminalization isn’t legalization. As Baltimoron points out, the offense remains a civil violation in decriminalization. Legalization removes all penalties and allows for legal trade.

“Keep up - I intend to set a quick pace.”

Cheaper automation puts jobs at risk. At some point, any wage is high enough to drive automation. The answer is to tax capital more, not to allow lower wages for labor

You compromise at the end of negotiations, not when you are preparing your opening position.

We are indeed a Republic. That means that we elect representatives, and nothing more. The electoral college is not an essential feature to the republican form of government. The vast majority of republics throughout history, and especially at present, do not have any such equivalent. And for good reason - districting