Stranger in the Alps

Gerrymandering has absolutely no impact in presidential elections. It strictly is a congression/state legislature issue.

It was Hinkley, not Hinckley. Same as the Professor on Gilligan’s Island.

Little known fact: the lyrics to “The Thing That Should Not Be” are not actually inspired by HP Lovecraft. They were a prophecy of Kinja.

I would wager because of WHERE the voters switched. More switches in swing states in 2016, and more in solid states in 2008. Also, Obama made a real play at swing states in 2008, whereas Clinton seemed to forget them, thinking they were in the bag.

I think Sansa sent Brienne away not because she wasn’t afraid of Arya, but because she knew Brienne would defend Arya. She still intended to have Arya executed when she sent Brienne away.

Curse Sir Walter Raleigh.

But have we really seen Sansa be that skilled?

That’s my reading of it as well. It shows that Sansa was very nearly under Baelish’s spell which is definitely in keeping with how he has been successful in the past. It also makes Sansa look a little less great as a ruler, which I think is wise and in keeping with the complexity of character that makes the earlier

Or, you know, not cut the season run from 10 to 7 episodes ...

“So, basically, Arya really did intend to kill Sansa”

“King’s Landing is 1500 miles from Winterfell ... expecting us to believe you can traverse that distance in one month on horseback or horse-drawn ...

“OPs point was that with 8,000 years of development they should be in the digital age.”


Xerxes wasn't terribly evil, though. Plenty of hebrew kings were far more evil.

It hasn't been determined in a court of law. It sure as hell has been determined though.

I agree that simple ignorance is not the same as willful racism, but not tolerance of racism. Those who are ignorant can be educated. Those who are willing to tolerate it are actively making it worse.

Also: Bill Kristol and David Frum. Frum especially seems to have found his inner liberal.

I liked him better when he was Captain Major Major Major.

I think the big difference is that Nixon had far superior moral fiber than Trump, and actually cared what happened to the country as a whole (more or less) under his watch. For all of his megalomania, and what it led to, he was more interested in achieving what he saw as good policies than in simply enriching himself

You leave Carlton Lassiter out of this!