Stranger in the Alps

It was a joke because it was true. Colbert is smart enough (and has a smart enough writing staff) that I am sure that second layer was intentional.

The terms of surrender were given while Lincoln was still alive, so it was pretty clear he favored leniency.

"I wanted to make sure … that what I said was correct."

As a straight white male who isn't an asshole (for the most part, at least), that's on my list of words to avoid.

Motherfucker is, after all, the single best curse ever. It has a rhythm that nothing else can match (French Canadian compound curses excepted).


Sparta's not here, man.

Meanwhile, Persia already had a federalized secular nation characterized by a high degree of local autonomy (including democratic elections in the cities where that was the preferred practice) and was essentially slavery-free. Imagine how much sooner our version of freedom would have blossomed had they won out in

Not only did the Greeks practice - nay, utterly depend upon - slavery; Persia didn't practice it at all, and made a habit of freeing all the slaves of conquered territory. The Greeks were fighting for their way of life in an eerily similar manner to the American South during the civil war.

It's missing Jackie Brown. Unless it's a list of the best movies excluding Jackie Brown which is obviously the best.

Jackie Brown doesn't need help from the rest of the list to be awesome. Its awesomeness speaks for itself.

"God, Grier and Forster are incredible there."

No argument here. What sets it apart from all other Tarantino movies is that how grounded the characters are. They have style, but that style feels earned and lived in, unlike in his other movies where the style veers towards affectation. They have motivations that are relatably small, not big stories about revenge

-Password must include clear conflict, climax, and denouement
-Characters presented in password must have believable motivations and abilities
-Password must be able to withstand temperatures of 2000K at a minimum
-Password may not be used for the purposes of intoxication
-Discontinue use of password in the event of

The money decides what gets made.

Steven Mnuchin executive produced The Lego Movie, Mad Max: Fury Road, Keanu, and Wonder Woman.

I think that by now, those of us who don't want things spoiled are pretty good at avoiding it, and those who DO want things spoiled are such big fans that they'll watch afterwards anyway. I don't see how this would conceivably hurt ratings.

Not only is it a misunderstanding of this community, it's a misunderstanding of how conversation works. Tangents are a feature, not a bug.

It can be two things.

Balance and agility are essential for good fighting. You try countering a charging knight with a fire hydrant hanging from your crotch.