Stranger in the Alps

No, that nickname is reserved for Theon Greyjoy.

I thought the point that Highgarden's grain stores were gone came up in the high council when Tyrion suggested taking Highgarden.

You think that's opportunistic? Just wait until the Iron Bank turns around and lends all that gold to Daenerys.

"I know Littlefinger was shook …"

It's not the length of the lingua, it's the cunning of the linguist.

I'm going to assume that Spielberg, like me, does not consider Crystal Skull to be an Indiana Jones movie. Given that, Temple of Doom is indeed the worst Indiana Jone movie.

Sansa isn't the only one with access to Ravens. And there still is travel on the roads, so word of mouth will spread.

What is it?

At first, yes. But then Tyrion killed Tywin. I believe Jamie has been shown second guessing that first impression.

"And then they took turns murdering me.

Hey! I'm not annoying!

Not squishy so much as fragile and prone to bleeding.

I like the actor's work, but the character is written as such a Mary Sue. He built a thousand ships in a week, then used those ships to destroy a fleet of seasoned raiders while capturing alive the most valuable targets possible. Somehow, he delivers those targets to Cersei, scoring massive brownie points, with

I disagree. I think the scene was a comment on how we change with time, so what we once were is not who we are, nor can we wish ourselves back to that person. Nymeria has built a whole new life without Arya. Arya has slaughtered people by the dozen with intent and not a shred of remorse. Neither is the same as

As Jamie was walking through the terraces high above the city, I found myself wondering how much rent in a place like that is.

Hot Take: Jamie's reaction was to the fact that Tyrion wasn't Joffrey's killer, which makes it clear Cersei would have taken any opening to condemn Tyrion to death. Lady Olenna may have with her final words driven the wedge that leads Jamie Lannister to fulfill his sister's prophecy.

Between the searching and the and the need to work it out, I stopped believing it will be alright.

This is why I stick to the looptail lower case G.

I first read this comment as, "Great work Stan". Which would make for some pretty good synergy, given that Stan is the character who acts as the conscience of the cast.

In the season 6 finale, he tells Sansa that whenever he has to make a decision, he asks himself, "Does this get me closer to the Iron Throne?" That strikes me as opportunistic, but short-sighted. In chess, as in the game of thrones, there are times that your best move is not the one that gets you closer to victory