
ahah yeah I have to detox sometimes

too normcore.

plastic surgeons make beacoup bucks. He can probably take it

isn't that why stuff like twilight and 50 shades exists? As emotional porn for women?

Aha that's real porn. Awesome

I blame the rappers for sticking random shiny things on European luxury goods (eg sunglasses pimp). Now things have come full circle and the European designers are incorporating the bling into their designs beforehand

I did stage crew for my high school's production of into the woods. That is all

I mean kim kardashian probably has some idea of what Americans like. She's at the top of an extremely competitive pyramid

anyone remember Nevada-tan?

Shut up this isn't going to get you laid

I like don't really believe that. If that was true there would be equal numbers of rapists and perverts

"Women are sex objects and men are success objects" - huh, word

anime loving brony virgin fedoras

why are men turned on by weird exploitative things like this?


looks kind of like Hanna but without a child main character, or Salt but with a blonde

I don't know l. I play contact sports in a defensive position and I love hitting people who are smaller than me, but only men

Nah I get it, I'm just kinda concern trolling. I mean, I love drugs haha

what kind of person is impressed by another's drug use?