
some people did and then we had to stop cause other people didn't like their methodology

alcohol, Xanax?

that's a mistake, they'll menstruate over everything

meanwhile I'm sitting here considering buying weed off an advertisement in the high times Facebook comment section


A shrink is a modern day confessional priest. All of us weaklings on earth need confession, even the atheists

I'm on my annual 30 rock binge. This story reminds me of Jack Donaghy's Porn for Women idea

man who wrote these codes of masculinity anyway

of course HRC supports it. They're expanding the tent to the point of meaninglessness.

It's psychic revenge from the Colombians apparently fmfbnf

that picture was my Facebook status during the game

Poor Brazil. They just couldn't stand up to the German onslaught. Klose, Ozil, Muller, Khedira, Kroos, Schweinsteiga, they're like the soccer dream team and like half those guys already played together on bayern Munich . And they even had world class people on the bench like Gotze. Brazil like didn't even have their

hahaha omg ruby rhod

what era Britney Spears? Like 2006-my-adolescent-fantasies toxic Britney Spears?

my name is earl, that's it

she's probably getting sober or something like in that larry show or whatever

I mean it's fine, I like therapists and my parents pay for good ones but I got BPD so like I experience transference and sometimes I omit important things. Also there are couple of therapists who probably legit saved my life (otoh one gave me wayyyy too much vyvanse and adderall which was fun but also bad). My

I can't though, that's why I'm in IT. I mean I've never knowingly sexually harassed anyone. I try not to be creepy and I pore over my interactions with women esp coworkers for any hint of creepiness. And if I sense that someone thinks I'm weird I just straight up stop talking to them. But still it's like who knows

you never know how your own gestures or speech might be interpreted or even what your own intentions so it's best to err on the side of extreme caution. No sense in getting fired for something like that

idk dude, I've never been a woman, but from the stories I hear, it's scary. I would assume that the majority of these stories are true. People are skeevy